





Services and Support

Services and Support

Listed below are some websites and organizations that may help you if you are living with AS or a family member who has AS:

*    OASIS-  http://www.aspergersyndrome.org/

This link provides a variety of sources, from education about Asperger Syndrome to a discussion board for teens living with Asperger Syndrome

*    MAAP- http://www.asperger.org/index.html

This is an organization is dedicated to serving families with members who have “More advanced Autism, Asperger’s and Pervasive Developmental Disorders (MAAP).”  It includes a newsletter, as well as information on conferences.

*    Hole in the Wall Gang Camps- http://www.holeinthewallcamps.org

These camps can be found throughout the nation and internationally. They serve children with chronic illnesses and their families, some offer weekend camps specifically for children with disorders similar to Asperger Syndrome.