                Management 235
Remember, this is your adventure!  You must participate actively to conquer fears, remain alert to stay on the trail, and persevere to reach the summit.

I've traveled this trail before, so let me be your guide and share the experience.

Signposts: Coach's Corner
Email from former student, William S. Horack
"There are three kinds of lies - lies, damned lies and statistics."
      - Winston Churchill

Hey Dr. Jarrell. I hope you are doing well. I read this quote and it
reminded me of my TWO semesters in your Statistics class. I am sure that
you will be surprised to hear that I am in charge of monitoring,
interpreting and reporting the statistics for my department. People really
do use this stuff!!! ;o)

William S. Horack
Project Leader
Wachovia Retirement Services

Note: Disraeli was actually the author of the quote, but I'm sure Churchill found occasion to use it.

1. Plan to avoid getting lost: Syllabus

2. Practice to know the way:  Study Guide & Homework Assignment Matrix

3. Stretch those tired muscles: Worksheets

4. Extra Equipment:  Handouts
                                            Dr. Schreiber's Statistical Tools and Learning Aids

5. Memorable Experiences:  Activity Photos

6. On the trail: Error Scan Project

7. Explorations--Looking over the edge and peering to the horizon:  Readings

8. SOS and postcards: Email me at

9. An ounce of prevention:  Inoculation

10. Campfire ghost stories: Exam Notes

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