Worksheets Menu

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1.     Political Affiliations:    Introductory Statistical Concepts
1a.    Statistical Secrets of Long Lives:  Comparisons of Means
2.     Permanent Residences (PRs):    Frequency Distributions and Histograms
3.     Permanent Residences (PRs):    Frequency Distributions and Histograms on the Computer
4:     Brown M&M's:    Measures of Central Location
5:     More Brown Candy:    Measures of Variation on the Computer
6.     Video Viewing Variations!:    The Standard Deviation
7.     Mutual Fund Performance:    Standard Deviation and the Computer
7a.   Finding the Limits  Using the Empirical Rule
7b.   Stabilized Shipments  Z-Values, Outliers, & Coefficients of Variation
8.     Regressing with Flu:    Regression: Interpretation, Decision and Forecasts
8a.   Decisions! Decisions! Decisions!:    Regression: Interpretation, Decision and Forecasts
9.     Forensic Statistics:    Scatterplots and Simple Regression
10.   Dice Tosses:    Probability Distributions
11.   Sibling Statistics:    Properties of Random Variables
11a. Decisions! Expected Value & Decisions
12.   Crystal Computer Company:    Expected Value and Standard Deviation of Random
13.   Count of Fours in Three Tosses:    Binomial Random Variable
14.   Even More Brown Candy!:    Binomial Random Variables
15.   Cool Customers:    Standard Normal Random Variables
15a. Finding Your Way (or A Lot of Hot Air): Standard Normal Random Variables
15b. Cost Implications:  Standard Normal Random Variable and E(Z)
16.   Comfortable Customers:    Normal Random Variables
17.   Franc Facts?:    Sampling Distribution of, Central Limit Theorem and Standard Error of
        the Mean
18.   Francs for the Firm?:    Confidence Interval for the Mean
19.   Fun with Francs?:    Confidence Interval Interpretations and Small Samples
20.   Personnel Needs at the Utility Company:    Sample Size, n, Determination
21.   Inferential Abstractions:    Parameter Changes and Effects on Inferential Processes
22.   Parking Investigation:   Inferences with Population Success Rate
23.   Is the Average SAT at WCU Greater than 950?:    Hypothesis Test of the Population
24.   Judging Veracity:    Determining H0  and H1
25.   From the Beginning:    Hypothesis Testing Exercises
26.   A Test of your Testing Intuition:    Hypothesis Testing Exercises
27.   Learning to Appreciate Rejection!:    Hypothesis Testing Simulation
28.   Does the Contact Gap Meet Specifications:    Statistical Quality Control, An Industrial
        Application of Hypothesis Testing
29.   Fair-weather Football Fans?:    Evaluating Regression Coefficient
30.   Advertising Competition among Video Rental Stores:    Problem Solving, Applications,

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