Revised (8/3/99)
Retail Scanners Error Rate
Semester Statistics Project

Error Scan Data Collection Assignment

Check and provide data and receipts for ten trips to one or more of the above type establishments. This is due in two weeks. Due date October 21, 1999.

Don’t make multiple trips out of a single trip to a store. This will make the data less random.

Use the shopping list to assist in your data collection. Write the actual price (from the shelf or advertisement) and the scanned price. Then you can compare actual and scanned prices after you leave the establishment.

However, be alert as you check out. If there are changes, corrections, or other activities as this point, be sure that you obtain or remember the scanned price before there is a manual correction.

Also, produce (fresh fruit and vegetable) problems that occur because the clerk does not know the exact code for the particular produce product do not count.

This assignment, if completed properly, is worth 4 bonus points on the next test.

The data that you must collect and keep in an Excel file with your last name and first initial as the file name. For example, use DoeJ.xls for John Doe. A template is available if you click below the following descriptions.  You must turn in:

--A 3½ disk with your data file complete on the due date
--Receipts for each visit (sign to validate that your work and data is true)
--Printout of your data file (check it for errors)

Organize the data file as follows:

Column Variable Name

A            Shopping Date

B            Day of Week (SU,M,TU,W,TH,F,SA)

C           Name of Establishment

D           Type of establishment:   G = grocery
                                                        R = retail/department/speciality
                                                        D = discount/general
                                                        H = hardware
                                                        P = pharmacy/discount

E          Total number of items scanned

F          Total number of correct scans

G         Total number of incorrect scans in favor of customer

H         Total expenditure = total actual bill ($)

I           Total value of errors ($)

J          Total value of errors in favor of customer ($)

Note: Make a new row for each incorrect scan in a single visit. Information from Columns A-J for the visit will not change, but provide information on each scanning error in a new row using Columns L-O. Thus, there may be multiple rows of information in Columns L-O.

 L        If the incorrect scan favored the customer, type C. If it favored the establishment, type E.

M        For each incorrect scan, list the correct price ($)

N        For each incorrect scan, list the scanned price ($)

O       For each incorrect scan, list the error (= scanned price - correct price) ($)

Click here to obtain Shopping List Aid.
 Click here for a template for your data.

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