Coach's Corner
Messages by Date

News, helpful hints, and other class information

Tuesday, February 4
On Thursday, we will start Sampling Distributions.  See your homework matrix for details.

I just learned about a web site with tutorials for TI calculators.  For those still having trouble, check out
Check for your email version of this message.  If you did not receive it, then please check on the problem.

Thursday, January 23
When there is an icon with a problem in the text, it refers to a data set for the problem.  You can obtain this by using the name with the icon as filename in the following address:

For instance, if the file name is auto, then use
Once you're at the data set, copy it and paste it into an excel file and go to work!

Thursday, January 9
Message 2
Leslie Buchanan will facilitate small-group tutoring sessions for Mgt 235 students every Monday and Wednesday at 1pm in the CAT Center (222 Killian Annex).  Students who are unable to attend during this time can call the CAT Center (x2273) to schedule an appointment.

Message 1
My office hours will be:    Tuesday and Thursday 10:45-1:45 By appointment
                                        I will make appointments at other times as well.
Knock.  Please let me know that you’re looking for me, if you find me with someone else.

Tuesday, January 7
Welcome aboard.  Here are a few short notes to help you get started.

All of the data files from the text can now be accessed with  where name=name of file from text.

From the CAT Center:
REGULAR PARTICIPATION IN STUDY GROUPS CAN IMPROVE YOUR GRADE! The Catamount Academic Tutoring Center offers FREE small-group tutoring sessions for many 100 and 200-level classes.  Tutoring times will be posted at the beginning of the semester, or you can call the CAT Center to find out when tutoring is being offered for your class.  The CAT Center – 222 Killian Annex; 227-2273.

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