Use your own computer to sign in and complete the Where Will You Go? activity with your own selfie or the photo I took of you and sent to your WCU email.
Get a Chromebook and complete the attendance form above
Work on your Animoto video (If you wish, you may use your computer for this)
The following elements are required:
A text block at the start of your video with your title
At least 4 or more images and/or video (NOTE: images alone are fine, no video is required)
Music of your choice
Must be between 30 seconds and 2:30 minutes in length
Once your video is finished, click the Export button in the top right corner; be patient it may take a little while.
Preview it and once you like what you see, copy the link and add it to your Google Site for Web 2.0 #2 tool either embedded or as a clickable link. (Save the profile for later, if you wish - DUE February 24)
February 15, 2022
Get a Chromebook and complete the attendance form above
VIDEO! Something for your students and something for you as a teacher. Explore both sites.
Get a Chromebook and complete the attendance form above
Check out NewsELA ( a free service for K-12 students and teachers that allow you to use non-fiction texts on a variety of topics to teach. There are assessments as well as multimodal content (text, images, video, audio) and you can choose readings based on Reading (Lexile) and Maturity Levels. Readings are also available in Spanish and Engish. Sign up with your class account!
February 8, 2022
Get a Chromebook and complete the attendance form above
Check out these resources for movement and mindfullness
Get a Chromebook and complete the attendance form above
Check out this tool for use in your classroom:
You cannot save with the free version but it doesn't take long to set up the space/page.
February 1, 2022
Get a Chromebook and complete the attendance form above
Go to one or both of these copyright free (CC0) image websites and find an image or two that relates to a topic you like and then download them to your Chromebook.
[Here's one I found on Pixabay, downloaded, added text to, and sent to my friends over the winter break.]
Download and save on your Chromebook in local files
Press the search/magnifying glass key on the left side of the Chromebook and search the term "files"
When a blue circle with a white folder appears, right click on the icon and select "Pin to shelf" - this will allow you to see the files saved on your Chromebook
Get a Chromebook and if you wish to follow the protocol/steps for sanitizing your device and your workspace: use these steps in this order - the tops of chairs, table, top of Chromebook, screen, and *last* the keyboard)
Complete the attendance form
Vintage Tech moment. Inside your nametag list your favorite:
EDMG 466: Movie or musical artist
EDEL446: Harry Potter character or Dolly Parton song.
If you have not completed the pre-course assessment survey in Canvas, do so now! (last chance to earn 2 points)
If you've already done this, pick a category and play this game while also helping to feed the world:
Free Rice:
Check out other information from the top-left "hamburger menu"
January 25, 2022
Get a Chromebook and if you wish to follow the protocol/steps for sanitizing your device and your workspace: use these steps in this order - the tops of chairs, table, top of Chromebook, screen, and *last* the keyboard)
Get a Chromebook and follow the protocol/steps for sanitizing your device and your workspace (e.g., tops of chairs, table, top of Chromebook, screen, and *last* the keyboard)
Complete the attendance form
On the inside of your name card, write a place you would like to travel (anywhere in the world!)
Get a Chromebook and follow the protocol/steps for sanitizing. First, wipe down your workspace (e.g., tops of chairs, table top) and then with the same wipe, sanitize your device (e.g., top of Chromebook, screen, and *last* the keyboard)
Open the Chrome browser and go to Write this down somewhere so you have it handy since we use this every day in class. You'll notice the bitly address will redirect to
Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible. Make sure to use the correct form for your section
Once you have done all of these things, check out this online tool and explore it (aka play a bit) while all of our class colleagues catch up.