Published Results






Heavy Metals

Stream Restoration

Sediment Generation and Transport




Miller, J.R., Hudson-Edwards, K.A., Lechler, P.J., Preston, D., and Macklin, M.G., in press. Heavy Metal Contamination of Water, Soil, and Produce within Riverine Communities of the Rio Pilcomayo Basin, Bolivia. The Science of the Total Environment. Click Here for an abstract of this paper, look under articles in press.

Germanoski, D., Miller, J.R., Lechler, P.J., and Hudson-Edwards, K.A., in press. Effects of Tributary Instability and Sediment Delivery on Heavy Metal Transport in the Rio Pilcomayo, Bolivia. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 2003 Annual Meeting, Seattle.

Hudson-Edwards, K.A., Miller, J.R., Preston, D., Lechler, P.J., Macklin, M.G., Miners, J.S., and Turner, J.N., 2003. Effects of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Pilcomayo River System, Bolivia, on Resident Human Populations. Journal of Physics IV France 107: 637-640.

Miller, J.R., Lechler, P.J., Hudson-Edwards, K.A., Macklin, M.G., 2002, Lead Isotopic Fingerprinting of Heavy Metal Contamination, Rio Pilcomayo Basin, Bolivia. In: R. Allan, A.Horowitz, and J.R. Miller (editors). Mining and Metals in the Environment. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis 2: 225-233.

Hudson-Edwards, K.A., Macklin, M.G., Miller, J.R., Lechler, P.J., and Villarroel, L.F., 2002. Determinanci?n de Fuentes de Metales Pesados en Sistemas de Rios Aplicando Is?topos de Plomo. Proceeding Abstracts, p. 294-295, Congreso Geologico Boliviano XV, 8-11 Octubre, 2002, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

Hudson-Edwards, K.A., Macklin, M.G., Miller, J.R. and Lechler, P.J. 2001. Sources, Distribution and Storage of Heavy Metals in the Rio Pilcomayo, Bolivia. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 72: 229-250.

Miller, J.R., Hudson-Edwards, K.A., Macklin, M.G., and Lechler, P.J., 2000. Heavy Metal Contamination of the Pilcomayo River, Bolivia. 11th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, J. Nriagu (ed.), 2000, Contribution Number 1381, University of Michigan, School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, MI (CD-ROM)(4 pp.).