Western Carolina University
Essential Links for Faculty

WCU News  (Office of Public Relations)

UNC Faculty Assembly
Faculty Assembly, Sept. 29, 2006 (Summary)

WCU, The Reporter

Higher Education Newswatch  (North Carolina)
Inside Higher Education
Chronicle of Higher Education

Potentially Useful Links for New Faculty (8/03)
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning  (& Selected Summer Institute, '03, Links)

Page Contents:

Faculty Roles and Responsibilities
Faculty Governance, UNC
Faculty Governance, AAUP
Faculty Governance, WCU
Selected IT, Ed Tech, WebCT Links
Other Useful WCU Links For Faculty
Catalog, Calendars, Assessment, Data, Reports, Planning, Institutional Profiles, Enrollment, Retention and Graduation, Organization Charts

Ed Tech's List of Important WCU LINKS
WCU Regional Economic Development Summit (2/21/03)
Assessment Links (draft) 2006




UNC (System) Board of Governor's Plan for Rewarding Faculty Teaching
UNC (System) Long-Range Planning document (Sept 2001)
UNC (System) 1993 Guidelines on Tenure and Teaching
    Long Range-Planning document, 2001 (scroll down about 25% of the document)
    Note "professional development,"  II-5
UNC Professional Development Portal
    (Reference to:  "Changing Practices in Evaluating Teaching: A Practical Guide to Improved Faculty"
"Performance and Promotion/Tenure Decisions" by P. Seldin and Associates, Anker Publishing, 1999

Council of Independent Colleges
Reconsidering Faculty Roles and Rewards (CIC, 1999, in PDF)
http://www.cic.edu/caphe/books_reports.asp (to order hardcopy)

American Association for Higher Education (AAHE) [broken]
    Faculty Roles & Rewards
[AAHE now defunct; cannot find original Website with the "Faculty Roles & Rewards" article]
AAHE Conference on Faculty Roles & Rewards and the National Conference on Higher Education
"Good Work in Challenging Times"

Innovative Higher Education
Faculty Roles and Rewards

 The role of the faculty in institutional development
AAC&U, Liberal Education, Fall 2003, Susan Traverso

More relevant articles from AAC&U

AAC&U, Preparing Future Faculty
AAC&U, Building the Faculty We Need (2000)
Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)
    Faculty Roles & Rewards / Faculty Performance & Compensation

Council of Graduate Schools
Preparing Future Faculty

Facing Change: Building the Faculty of the Future (1999)
[original article strangely difficult to find]
AAUP Response
Chronicle article



UNC General Administration (System) Web site:
UNC Faculty Assembly
UNC Faculty Assembly
UNC Faculty Assembly, Current Issues
UNC General Administration (16-Campus System)
UNC, Academic Affairs (& note Distance Learning)
UNC, Finance, Financial Information for Faculty
UNC, Finance, Reports & Publications
UNC Chapel Hill Links
The budget process
UNC System Standards for Governance (proposal)
UNC System Policy Manual
UNC Board of Governors Five Year Report (9/13/2002)
UNC, Other Publications of Interest

UNC System:

UNC Student Data
Prospective Undergraduate Student Information  (Home page)
UNC Freshman Measures  (Applications, Performance, Retention)
Institutional Profiles
UNC Freshman Class Profiles -- PDF file (Class Rank and SAT)
UNC Freshman Class Profiles -- FALL 2002, PDF  (Class Rank and SAT)

UNC Other Links:
Faculty Support, Professional Development
UNC Professional Development Portal
NC Education Data Research Center (Duke, UNC, NC Dept. of Public Instruction)
Developing Educational Standards (NC; by government agency and by organization)


AAUP faculty governance page
Committee on Faculty and University Governance
Faculty Senate Support (with a host of supporting publications)
1966 Statement on Governance
“Rethinking for Savings: A Model for Increasing Efficiency in Academic Governance”   (Gustavus Adolphus College)



WCU University Governance Links
WCU Faculty Senate
WCU University Advisory Council
WCU UAC History
WCU Chapter of UNC Assembly
WCU Faculty Handbook
WCU Faculty Policies

ITS Home Page
ITS Chief Information Officer Page (with links)
ITS HELP -- Phone 227-7-I-T-S, or Online
ITS Ed Tech Catalog of Support (HTML version; Training, Facilities, Log-ons, "How to," Other resources)
ITS Catalog of Support (3 MB PDF version of hardcopy handout; see above for current  html version)
Student Technology Assistance Center (STAC)

WebCT Logon and Information page
WebCT Information
WebCT FAQ's (adding students, etc.)
Campus Pipeline
WCU Calendars (from Home Page drop-down)
Web Event Calendars (detailed)

UNC Teaching and Learning with Technology Collaborative
UNC TLTC Initiatives (Including Centra Pilot)
UNC TLTC Professional Development Portal
UNC TLT Training Compendium (2004/05)
UNC Links Newsletter -- "Focusing on IT issues and activities of the 16 campuses."
UNC Association of Teaching Center Directors
UNC TLTC Link to Suggestions

Office of the Chancellor
Office of Academic Affairs
WCU Faculty/Staff Links
Capital Construction
The Master Plan

Research and Graduate Studies
IRB / Human Subjects Research
WCU Enrollment, by major, by term -- PDF file -- (see p. 15 for COB; see also UNC System Student Data, above)
University Planning  (Assessment, Data, Reports, Planning, Institutional Profiles)
Factbook online  (Enrollment, Retention and Graduation information; Organization Charts, etc)

Travel Policies (Controller)
Travel, Research Presentations, Reimbursement (PDF - Collings, 2002)
Academic Support Units & Selected Programs
ACADEMIC CALENDARS (and other Catalog-based information)
Hunter Library

WCU Coulter Faculty Center  (note especially the publications and organizations)
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Links
UNC Professional Development Portal (search database for online and hardcopy references)
Motivating Students (UNC Professional Development Portal)
WCU Service Learning

Student Credit Hour Enrollment--Change Funding Model

    Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes, 3/19/03 (Go to the link to Chuck Wooten's PowerPoint presentation)
    Student Credit Hour (SCH) replaces FTE model:


Unofficial Site -- Links to Regional Agencies and Media
Regional Summit Report from the Chancellor's Office (April 2003)

Working Documents for 2004


http://aahe.ital.utexas.edu/   (??)

COB CIS/E SACS -- Miscellaneous Links
COB CIS, SACS -- Links to somewhat similar regional programs (with contact names; from Rita)

Page created 4/8/03

Revised       Aug 2006