Brian D. Kloeppel
Dean, Graduate School and Research
Professor, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resources
Western Carolina University
110F Cordelia Camp Building
Cullowhee, NC 28723 USA
Telephone: 828-227-3174
Bodega Bay Marine Reserve, California - September 2011
Refereed Scientific Publications:
Oktay, S.D. and B.D. Kloeppel. 2022. The Gift Relationship: how mentoring results in
success for women in field station leadership roles. Chapter 5 in V.M. McDermott, J.M. Gee, and A.R. May, editors. Women of the Wild: Challenging Gender Disparities in Field Stations and Marine Laboratories. Pp. 169-197. Lexington Books, Lanham. 307 pp. [Full PDF Text]
Kattge, J., J. Bonisch, S. Diaz, et al., B.D. Kloeppel, et al. (667 co-authors). 2020. TRY Plant Trait Database - enhanced coverage and open access. Global Change Biology 26: 119-188. [Full PDF Text]
Bates, P.C., J.R. Miller, D.M. Styers, K. Langdon, C. Burda, R.W. Davis, T.H. Martin, B.D.D.. Kloeppel, S. McFarland. 2018. Natural resource condition assessment for Great
Smoky Mountains National Park. Natural Resources Report NPS/GRSM/NRR 1626,
National Park Service. Fort Collins, Colorado. 415 pp. [Full PDF Text]
Bates, P.C., J.R. Miller, D.M. Styers, C. Burda, R.W. Davis, T.H. Martin, G.M. Hovis, and B.D. Kloeppel. 2017. Natural resource condition assessment for Guilford Courthouse National Military Park. Natural Resource Report NPS/GUCO/NRR 1372, National Park Service. Fort Collins, Colorado. 163 pp. [Full PDF Text]
Bates, P.C., J.R. Miller, D.M. Styers, C. Burda, R.W. Davis, T.H. Martin, and B.D. Kloeppel. 2017. Natural resource condition assessment for Carl Sandburg Home National Historic
Site. Natural Resource Report NPS/CARL/NRR 1373, National Park Service. Fort
Collins, Colorado. 201 pp. [Full PDF Text]
Elliott, K.J., J.M. Vose, J.D. Knoepp, B.D. Clinton, and B.D. Kloeppel. 2015. Functional Role of the Herbaceous Layer in Eastern Deciduous Forest Ecosystems.
Ecosystems 18: 221-236. [Full PDF Text]
Falster, D.S., R.A. Duursma, M.I. Ishihara, D.R. Barneche, R.G. FitzJohn, A. Vårhammar,
M. Aiba, M. Ando, N. Anten, M.J. Aspinwall, J.L. Baltzer, C. Baraloto, M. Battaglia,
J.J. Battles, B. Bond-Lamberty, M. van Breugel, J. Camac, Y. Claveau, L. Coll,
M. Dannoura, S. Delagrange, J.C. Domec, F. Fatemi, W. Feng, V. Gargaglione, Y. Goto,
A. Hagihara, J.S. Hall, S. Hamilton, D. Harja, T. Hiura, R. Holdaway, L. Hutley, T. Ichie,
E.J. Jokela, A. Kantola, J.W.G. Kelly, T. Kenzo, D. King, B.D. Kloeppel, T. Kohyama,
A. Komiyama, J.P. Laclau, C.H. Lusk, D.A. Maguire, G. le Maire, A. Mäkelä,
L. Markesteijn, J. Marshall, K. McCulloh, I. Miyata, K. Mokany, S. Mori, R.W. Myster,
M. Nagano, S. Naidu, Y. Nouvellon, A.P. O'Grady, K.L. O'Hara, T. Ohtsuka, N. Osada,
O.O. Osunkoya, P.L. Peri, A.M. Petritan, L. Poorter, A. Portsmuth, C. Potvin, J. Ransijn,
D. Reid, S.C. Ribeiro, S.D. Roberts, R. Rodríguez, A. Saldaña-Acosta, I. Santa-Regina,
K. Sasa, N.G. Selaya, S.C. Sillett, F. Sterck, K. Takagi, T. Tange, H. Tanouchi, D. Tissue,
T. Umehara, H. Utsugi, M.A. Vadeboncoeur, F. Valladares, P. Vanninen, J.R. Wang,
E. Wenk, R. Williams, F. de Aquino Ximenes, A. Yamaba, T. Yamada, T.Yamakura,
R.D. Yanai, R.A. York. 2015. BAAD: A biomass and allometry database for woody
plants. Ecology 96: 1445. [Full PDF Text]
Billick, I., I. Babb, B.D. Kloeppel, J.C. Leong, J. Hodder, J. Sanders, and H. Swain. 2013. Field stations and marine laboratories of the future: a strategic vision. National Association of Marine Laboratories and Organization of Biological Field Stations. 59 pp. [Full PDF Text]
Ford, C.R., K.J. Elliott, B.C. Clinton, B.D. Kloeppel, and J.M. Vose. 2012. Forest dynamics following eastern hemlock mortality in the southern Appalachians. Oikos 121: 523-536. [Full PDF Text]
Yamashita, Y., B.D. Kloeppel, J.D. Knoepp, G.L. Zausen, and R. Jaffé. 2011. Effects of watershed disturbance on dissolved organic matter characteristics in headwater streams. Ecosystems 14: 1110-1122. [Full PDF Text]
Nuckolls, A.E., N. Wurzburger, C.R. Ford, R.L. Hendrick, J.M. Vose, and B.D. Kloeppel. 2009. Hemlock declines rapidly with hemlock woolly adelgid infestation: impacts on the carbon cycle of southern Appalachian forests. Ecosystems 12: 179-190. [Full PDF Text]
Beckage, B., B.D. Kloeppel, J.A. Yeakley, S.F. Taylor, and D.C. Coleman. 2008. Differential effects of understory and overstory gaps on tree regeneration. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 135: 1-11. [Full PDF Text]
Kloeppel, B.D., M.E. Harmon, and T.J. Fahey. 2007. Estimating aboveground net primary production in forest dominated ecosystems. Chapter 5 in T. Fahey and A. Knapp, editors. Principles and Standards for Measuring Primary Production. Pp. 63-81. Oxford University Press, New York. 268 pp. [Full PDF Text]
Ford, C.R., R.M. Hubbard, B.D. Kloeppel, and J.M. Vose. 2007. A comparison of sap flux-based evapotranspiration estimates with catchment-scale water balance. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 145: 176-185. [Full PDF Text]
Clark, J.S., M. Wolosin, M. Dietze, I. Ibanez, S, LaDeau, M. Welsh, and B.D. Kloeppel. 2007. Tree growth inference and prediction from diameter censuses and ring widths. Ecological Applications 17: 1942-1953. [Full PDF Text]
Oleksyn, J., B.D. Kloeppel, S. Lukasiewicz, P. Karolewski, and P.B. Reich. 2007. Ecophysiology of horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) in degraded and restored urban sites. Polish Journal of Ecology 55: 245-260. [Full PDF Text]
Ellison, A.M., M.S. Bank, B.D. Clinton, E.A. Colburn, K. Elliott, C.R. Ford, D.R. Foster, B.D. Kloeppel, J.D. Knoepp, G.M. Lovett, J. Mohan, D.A. Orwig, N.L. Rodenhouse, W.V. Sobczak, K.A. Stinson, J.K. Stone, C.M. Swan, J. Thompson, B. Von Holle, and J.R. Webster. 2005. Loss of foundation species: consequences for the structure and dynamics of forested ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 3: 479-486. [Full PDF Text]
Yeakley, J.A., D.C. Coleman, B.L. Haines, B.D. Kloeppel, J.L. Meyer, W.T. Swank, B.W. Argo, J.M. Deal, S.F. Taylor. 2003. Hillslope nutrient dynamics following upland riparian vegetation disturbance. Ecosystems 6: 154-167. [Full PDF Text]
Kloeppel, B.D., B.D. Clinton, J.M. Vose, and A.R. Cooper. 2003. Drought impacts on tree growth and mortality of southern Appalachian forests. Chapter 3 in D. Greenland, D. Goodin, and R. Smith, editors. Climate Variability and Ecosystem Response at Long-Term Ecological Research Sites. Pp. 43-55. Oxford University Press, New York. 459 pp. [Full PDF Text]
Kloeppel, B.D., S.T. Gower, J.G. Vogel, and P.B. Reich. 2000. Leaf-level resource use for evergreen and deciduous conifers along a resource availability gradient. Functional Ecology 14: 281-292. [Full PDF Text]
Kloeppel, B.D., S.T. Gower, I.W. Treichel, and S. Kharuk. 1998. Foliar carbon isotope discrimination in Larix species and sympatric evergreen conifers: a global comparison. Oecologia 114: 153-159. [Full PDF Text]
Martin, J.G., B.D. Kloeppel, T.L. Schaefer, D.L. Kimbler, and S.G. McNulty. 1998. Aboveground biomass and nitrogen allocation of ten deciduous southern Appalachian tree species. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 28: 1648-1659. [Full PDF Text]
Kloeppel, B.D. and M.D. Abrams. 1995. Ecophysiological attributes of the native Acer saccharum and the exotic Acer platanoides in urban oak forests in Pennsylvania, USA. Tree Physiology 15: 739-746. [Full PDF Text]
Reich, P.B, B.D. Kloeppel, D.S. Ellsworth, and M.B. Walters. 1995. Different photosynthesis-nitrogen relations in deciduous hardwood and evergreen coniferous tree species. Oecologia 104:24-30. [Full PDF Text]
Kloeppel, B.D. and S.T. Gower. 1995. Construction and installation of acrylic minirhizotron tubes in forest ecosystems. Soil Science Society of America Journal 59: 241-243. [Full PDF Text]
Kloeppel, B.D., M.E. Kubiske, and M.D. Abrams. 1994. Seasonal tissue water relations of four successional Pennsylvania barrens species in open and understory environments. International Journal of Plant Sciences 155: 73-79. [Full PDF Text]
Kloeppel, B.D., M.D. Abrams, and M.E. Kubiske. 1993. Seasonal ecophysiology and leaf morphology of four successional Pennsylvania barrens species in open versus understory environments. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 23: 181-189. [Full PDF Text]
Abrams, M.D., B.D. Kloeppel, and M.E. Kubiske. 1992. Ecophysiological and morphological responses to shade and drought in two contrasting genotypes of Prunus serotina. Tree Physiology 10: 343-355. [Full PDF Text]
Reich, P.B., D.S. Ellsworth, B.D. Kloeppel, J.H. Fownes, and S.T. Gower. 1990. Vertical variation in canopy structure and CO2 exchange of oak-maple forests: influence of ozone, nitrogen, and other factors on simulated canopy carbon gain. Tree Physiology 7: 329-45. [Full PDF Text]