Faculty-Led Study Trip to Germany


Introduction and Overview // Budget and Itinerary // Additional Resources // German and American Schools

Travel Course to Ludwigsburg, GERMANY May 9-24, 2017

Digitale Kompetenz [EDEL 446: Digital Literacy]
Dr. Nancy Luke
Abenteuer Pädagogik [HPE 305: Adventure-Based Physical Education]
Dr. Dan Grube

International Partner: Pädagogische Hochschule, Ludwigsburg, GERMANY

Readings on Travelling Abroad

Excerpts from Dos and Taboos by Roger E. Axtell:


Travel Skills Videos from Rick Steves'

European Travel Skills: Packing Light

European Travel Skills: Planning Your Itinerary

European Travel Skills: Hurdling the Language Barrier

European Travel Skills Part I


European Travel Skills Part II

European Travel Skills Part III