Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible. This is what I use for attendance recording, so MAKE SURE you sign in at the start of class.
Explore the interface of options the tool offers (adding music, transitions, text titles and credits, changing the volume of music, recording narration)
Create new>> Video >> Full-featured editor
Add images and video from the built-in media (Under the My Media menu option, search Video and Images) to the VIDEO timeline
Add music from the built in collection to the AUDIO timeline
Add a title to the TEXT timeline (just another VIDEO timeline for titles, etc.)
February 27, 2025
Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible.
Copy and paste your attendance response to a Google Doc and make it a 1 paragraph script (30 seconds tops). You will be choosing words that sound interesting as this is text that is designed to be spoken rather than read. See this example:
Story that's Read in Your Head
Script that's Spoken Aloud to a Crowd
Planning a surprise party for my best friend was an exhilarating adventure. I started by secretly gathering a list of her closest friends and family, making sure everyone could keep the secret. We chose her favorite café as the venue, decorating it with balloons, streamers, and photos from our best memories together. The hardest part was keeping her distracted while everyone arrived and set up. Finally, the moment came when she walked in, and the look of pure joy and astonishment on her face made all the sneaking around worth it. It was a night filled with laughter, love, and unforgettable memories.
I want to throw a surprise party for my best friend, and for it to be EPIC! I'll need to call everyone, and make sure they come to make it an incredible event. I'll do it up right with cowboy boots and Stetson hats since it's going to be a country music shindig. I've got to keep it a secret – tough for me I know - but I will since I know she'll love it. She means the world to me, and I can't wait to see the moment of the big reveal when she sees how much she's loved. Moments like those are why I'm doing this. I want us all to share this party together as friends. She deserves the best and I hope this party helps her see she is the best!
February 20, 2025
Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible.
Check out these AI Image Generation tools. Use the same prompt for each and see which one gives you the results you like best:
Leonardo (sign up with your class account) USES CREDITS FOR FREE VERSION
Draw simple line drawings with help from Google:
NOTE: Each image is an object that you can resize or rotate. Create a tableau with multiple images.
Check out a useful and freemium tool called Classroom Screen:
Do any of your CEs use it?
February 13, 2025
During WYAW we'll have a quiet time so anyone who needs to catch up on recording their Podcast or Two Haiku assignments can do so. SOOOO, for today we'll have "quiet on the set" so those needing to record can reduce/eliminate background noice. Thanks!!
Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible.
Try out a QR code on a: website, shared file in Google Drive, email address, video, etc. - your choice. Here's my favorite QR code generator:
Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible.
Check out the North Carolina AI Guidelines for School Systems, Schools, and Classrooms: Padlet, add a sticky with one thing you found interesting in the document that might be useful for you as a tech using teacher (TUT). Then, write one sentence telling why you thought it was important to know or interesting to you as a teacher.
Didn't have time on Tuesday to listen and learn about Mesopotamia? Here's your chance....
Februrary 4, 2025
Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible.
From the options on the board, choose an educational strategy/topic for which you will create a podcast
Open up the informational text tool in MagicSchool and create a professional 1 paragraph/1ish minute Podcast on your topic. End your Podcast with an example for the classroom (your idea not AI's) This is the prompt for "Shared Writing" Use these same fields EXCEPT replace the topic with the one you choose.
Record this using a headset and the tool Vocaroo ( For the assignment, you have to download the audio file, move it to your Google Drive and then share the link so anyone with the link can access. We'll do this together for practice!
And when you are done, listen to the historical vocal stylings of Mr. Nicky
January 28, 2025
Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible.
Tech Standards continued..... Please get with your group from last Tuesday and complete the shared document on the standard on which you focused.
Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible.
On Tuesday, in the Whiteboardlet relay game, you chose a role from the ISTE standards for teachers. Now, go back to the list and dig a little deeper to choose that one that really speaks/resonates with you and tell two reasons why.
Next, go to Canvas to access our EDEL 446 class. We'll use the digital whiteboad in Canvas (NEW this semester!) called Lucid which you can link to from the Message Board on the homepage. I've done one as an example.....
Both tools allow you to sign up for free and save/curate your links (HINT: Use your class gmail account if you wish.)
Our class wheel:
(just for fun, I used the "Advanced" option to add your images from your Padlet intros
January 16, 2025
Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible.
What's Your Why?
On your own paper, write 1-2 sentences of What's Your Why NOTE: These are YOUR words, not someone elses. Your quote NOT a quote from another person famous or otherwise!
Make a Quozio with your why, by typing your "quote" and your name as "Who said it" (CHECK SPELLING!), and then, Create My Quote.
Next, choose a template that fits you and/or your quote (choose a free and not premium background) and click the "Finish" button in the top right.
You'll see your quozio image. Next, scroll down to choose DOWNLOAD and then the "Medium" option. Save it to your Chromebook files area.
ADVANCED?: Go to the Files area on your Chromebook and drag it to Google Drive for your classroom account.
Lastly, email it to your instructor from your Chrome account to
Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible.
Quick Write Old School: (paper!) Write a paragraph about your perspectives on technology in education. You are encouraged to be honest and share your true opinion and to make this your best writing. These are your ideas in your authentic voice!
Once you have done all of these things, check out this online tool and explore it (aka play a bit) while all of our class colleagues catch up.