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January 31, 2023

What is the SAMR model?
Created by John Spencer
  1. Log in and go to While You Are Waiting for attendance and other activities.

  2. Revisiting the DLCs: Take out your standards document and let's dig in a little more....
    • Look at the four Focus Areas in the DLC and then the subset of competencies. Which might your CE show strengths with?

  3. Building Community: Nametag Spin 'n' Share

  5. Looking at another technology model. These models help inform our work as teachers to be CRITICAL THINKERS and INFORMED DECISION MAKERS. It is professional knowledge that will help you as a teacher.
    1. SAMR: Another way to think about how teachers and students use technology.These are approaches (the how) to using technology in the classroom.

      Let's review from the video what SAMR stands for
      created by Dr. Ruben Puentedura, Ph.D.
      Image the creation of Dr. Ruben Puentedura, Ph.D.

      Whole Class:

      Let's explore some examples:

      Table Groups:
      Talk at your tables and "claim" one of the standards listed here by writing your standard on your vintage board: the number, the action word (language function) in bold, and a brief little bit more to indicate the standard.

      Think of a traditional or "vintage" way of teaching this standard and then an alternative approach: include all levels of the SAMR model - S (substitution), A (augmentation), M (modification) and R (redefininition) using technology. Consider the tools we've used so far in class or others you've seen or used yourself. Designate a scribe, spokesperson, and a timekeeper. Then, l
      et's share your ideas!

    2. Reminder: TPACK is a model that focuses on teacher knowledge (what you know) about the three domains and how they intersect and interact and INFORM your teaching.

      Alan Parkinson from flikr CC-by-nc-2.0

  6. Web 2.0 tools are web-based and let you create something (video, image, blog post, snapchat photo, website, slidedeck, document, online timeline or graph) by accessing the tool directly from the internet.

  7. Google is a key source of web 2.0 tools including docs, sheets, forms, etc. Google Sites is also a web 2.0 tool and you're using it because you can use the tool to make a website with your own ideas and content and share with the world.
    • Cloud-based access via the internet
    • Can require sign up or not
    • User created content
    • Allows for sharing via a link (in the cloud) or a download


Web 2.0 #1 tool example and profile. You'll create an instructional activity you can (but don't have to) use with your students using Padlet, Kahoot, or edPuzzle and link to it. With this you'll

Here's our example assignment....


View two videos to give you an overview of SAMR and TPACK.