Balance, Critical Decision Making, Helping Empower Students
Pick up a Chromebook and a wipe to disinfect your workspace and the Chromebook in this order:
Table in front of you
Tops of your chair
Chromebook lid,
Chromebook screen
Last, Chromebook keyboard.
Follow the printed directions you have been given (also here) to log in to the Chromebook
First, with your WCU login and password (called "credentials")
Next, with your Class Gmail account you set up prior to coming to class
Open the Chrome browser and type in to go to our web agenda for the day/week/semester
Once you have gone to the web ("bitly") agenda, click on While You Are Waiting and do the activities for that day's class. The first activity will always be to sign in for attendance using the Google Form link presented. After that, you'll explore what is offered for that day - WYAW (While You Are Waiting).
How are you feeling about your proficiency with technology? Take the survey and let's see where we stand as a group.
This is anonymous data collection, so please be honest. Make sure to use the survey for the correct section.
DISCUSS: Let's watch John Spencer's video about the balance of digital and "analog". In your table groups, what resonates from this video. Talk about it as a group and then choose one "take away" that you want to share with the whole class.
Padlet: This tool can be useful in many ways but we'll use it to create introductions including a visual metaphor. First before doing anything, let your instructor show you Padlet through the "back door" as an owner of the board....
Next, go to your class section and bubble group and double click anywhere on the "wall" to create your own sticky or post on the Padlet wall. NOTE: All links will be open so you can see all four Padlet walls if you wish.
Please note that this is public to the class but not to the world unless they have the link. It does not show up on any Google searches.
You will add your name (First and Last) at the very top of the post
Next, type in three things you like,
Three things you love,
Three things you don't like, and then,
Three words/phrases that describe you.
And lastly, using the "search google" icon, click and then find and insert an image that represents you, this is sometimes called a visual metaphor.
NOTE: When searching for an image first type the word "pixabay" and then your search term
For instance:
pixabay sunshine
pixabay hard worker
pixabay dance
pixabay shy
Look until you find an image that is a pretty good visual metaphor for you and also that comes from (see the small grey caption under each image) or another copyright free source.
Double click on the board to add your "note" of introduction. Notice that you can't see anyone's responses until the "owner" of the Padlet board (Dr. Luke) releases them to you.
Padlet is one of my favorite web 2.0 tools and we'll get lots of practice with it. I encourage you to use it with your students if appropriate!
Out of sight is not turned over on your table. Please comply with this policy as it will help you develop discipline when you are in your internship classroom and away from your phone.
This is non-negotiable. You may be asked to leave and counted as absent if it becomes a problem.
Analog/Vintage Moment: In your table groups: Communicate, and Collaborate (2 of the 4Cs) on the answer to the question your teacher gave you. Write it on your board and then when asked, share the question and the answer with the whole class.
Read the Standards documents in Canvas (from the left menu - Course Readings) and be prepared to talk about them in class on Thursday (January 13).
Read the Course Syllabus COMPLETELY in preparation for an activity in Thursday's class.
Complete the Pre-Course Assessment in Canvas before next Tuesday's class.