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February 20, 2025
Renee Hobbs - Copyright Clarity
A Fair Use Scholar Talks About Copyright in
Education and Digital Learning

  1. Sign in, stowe your other devices, log into a Chromebook, and go to WYAW (While You Are Waiting).

  2. Renee Hobbs and Fair Use: Practical tool for students and teachers...
    Document the Fair Use Reasoning Process (Source: Media Lab)

  3. Let's explore more......
    copyright law

    determining fair use

  4. Let's take a look at some examples from the files of R. Hobbs. What do you notice about the final answer regarding is it Fair Use?

    Let's assess this video for Fair Use....

    Video Clip from The Shining
    Soundtracks from: Disclosure, Indiana Jones, Mission Impossible, Jaws, Ace Ventura,The Shining

    Music can make a difference.....

    When we start creating digital stories, we'll see how.

  5. Why is this important for NC Teachers and Students?
  6. COPYRIGHT: Movies in the Classroom
  7. copyright

    The Copyright Act at §110(1) (face to face teaching exemption) allows for the performance or display of video or film in a classroom where instruction takes place in [the] classroom with enrolled students physically present and the film is related to the curricular goals of the course.
    (Apr 8, 2021)


  8. What about using video in online classes or environments? If it's OK for online is it also OK for face-to-face?

    What about streaming movies from Disney Plus or Netflix? (Scroll down the page)

    And finally, what about outside of a classroom for educational purposes?
    Disney Fines School for Showing Lion King at PTA Fundraiser
    Original Source:

  9. Creative Commons
    Want more information?

  10. Looking for media that has CC licences and that can or most likely can be used in accordance with Fair Use?
    Look for wikimedia commons and/or CC licensed material or .gov files since, in general, government files are in the public domain ( including NASA (see here for more resources from NASA for educators However, some media and the logos are copyrighted but fall under fair use if you are using it for educational purposes.

  11. Some good copyright friendly websites for VISUALS (images and video):
    1. Pixabay (my fav),
    2. Wikimedia Commons,
    3. Pexels,
    4. Unsplash,
    5. Morguefile,
    6. Openverse

  12. AI and Copyright.....because common use of generative AI is such a relatively new practice, copyright and fair use is a bit of a grey area. Here are a few tidbits:
    • Works created solely by artificial intelligence (AI) are not protected by copyright in the United States. This is because copyright law protects human creativity, and AI-generated works are not considered to be the product of human authorship.

    • Many rights holders, including authors, artists, media companies, and music companies, have sued AI companies for using their work to train AI models.

    • AI companies often defend themselves using the "fair use" doctrine, which allows the use of copyrighted material without permission in certain situations. A KEY factor is money! (NL)

  13. Very recently, a case of Fair Use was decided in the courts NOT in favor of AI use of copyrighted material to train LLM (large language models - the "engines" that run AI results). Interested? Check it out:

  14. A REALLY good resource on the issues related to AI and Copyright from USF Libraries:


  1. Media Resources from Penn State
  2. OER Commons: Free Digital Library and Network of Educational Resources
  3. Music
  4. Speeches
  5. All Media, mostly Images
  6. Wikipedia:Public domain image resources
  7. Public Domain Image Websites
  8. Access some fabulous visual and audio media collections at the Library of Congress (some but not all are in the Public Domain)
  9. Fair Use Information
  10. Creative Commons - CC licenses: