Whiteboard Fi https://whiteboard.fi/ Scroll down to find Join session and wait for your instructor to give you the code to join.
Follow your instructor's directions for how to interact with the various Graphic Organizers in the saved board.
Want a quick no sign in Whiteboard to share? Check out the "lite" version of Miro: https://webwhiteboard.com/
NOTE: This is an "on-the-fly" version of Miro if you don't need to save the board as it expires after 24 hours. To save your boards, sign up for a free account with your class gmail.
As teachers, we use video in a wide variety of ways but let's not forget humble audio and how powerful it can be for a variety of instructional purposes. Read Alouds! Podcasts!
Some ideas for using audio in the classroom either to listen or to record.....
Image from Pixabay
Use atmospheric music to set the tone for a read aloud or a writing prompts (e.g., scary stories)
Have audio recording software set up on a station/learning center computer or iPad for students to record themselves telling a story, singing a song, reciting a poem, explaining a concept, process, or information related to the curriculum.
Create a podcast "Week in Review" to update parents on the week's events or activities to keep them in the loop.
Use text to speech software to scaffold understanding of written information for students (e.g. built into Google Slides and Docs, Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Students: Record an approved performance (e.g. singing, skits and plays), Conduct oral histories, Create podcasts (using AI, perhaps!)
Teacher tool: Assessment - over time, record children reading to gauge fluency, etc.; Instructional - ELA: kids reading their stories to contribute to digital storytelling, Create a listening center of favoriate stories for your students to read along with, Create podcasts for upper elementary or middle grades students or access existing ones.
Combine with digital images to create digital stories which we will explore in the coming weeks......whoohoo
You can also use Vocaroo (or another recording tool) to create your own Listening Stations for students.
TABLE TALK: What are other ways you can use audio to support academics or SEL? See how many good ideas you can list on your whiteboard - 60 second relay.
Find an existing haiku that you like and write it down. Basho is a very famous writer of the form.
Next, create one of your own haiku and write this on the same script template.
Once you've got your two haiku, you'll record them as two separate recording/files using Vocaroo and save them as .mp3 files in your Google Drive.
NOTE: Do not record on your phone as this will give you a format that won't work with Google AND you won't be practicing 2.0 tool you just learned AND you will get a 0 for this part of the assignment.
DO NOT use the link from Vocaroo as you need practice downloading the file and will have it as long as you need it.
DOWNLOAD the files to your Google Drive naming them “Haiku 1” and “Haiku2” NOTE: They must be linked from your class Google Drive Account to your Two Haiku Google Slidedeck
MUST DO: Go to each of the audio files and right click to share so that "ANYONE WITH THE LINK" can access.
Go to Google Slides and create your own new slidedeck with two blank slides and name the slidedeck YOUR NAME
Find an image using a free images website such as: Pixabay, Pexels, Unsplash, Morguefile or you can use one of your own images that visually represents your first Haiku (the found one) and insert it on the slide.
Repeat this for the second Haiku (the one you write) on the second slide
Go to your Haiku1 audio file and copy the link, and past the link on the slide with the matching image. Make sure it is a "live" and clickable link. OR
Use the Insert menu, to insert your Audio file from Google Drive that matches your image for your specific Haiku.
Repeat this proces for the second Haiku audio file. You will have two slides with two images and two audio files.
Find your SlideDeck file in Google Drive and make this "Share with anyone with the link".
Share the link to your Google Slide deck with your teacher by texting it to her via Remind.
IMPORTANT: You also must make the Google Slidedeck link sharable by choosing "Anyone with the link"