Student Evaluation of Website Credibility -- Jan. 2004

Study Synopsis  (2 pages, PDF)

Pilot Study  (PPT in PDF)

Current Study (PPT "Intervention")

Instructions to students: (voluntary; completion instructions, do not go back, 4-minutes per site, avoid "Questionable" if possible)

The Five Websites Used

Web Site Evaluation Sheet (1 page, PDF)

Condensed Summary of the 25-Minute Intervention

Brief Statistical Summary (PPt to PDF, 9 slides)

Website Credibility Links  (~150; to be annotated...)
(These linked resources include checksheets, biblographies, articles, etc.)

Bibliography on Evaluating Web Information -- Virginia Tech's 15-page bibliography; includes sample evaluation forms and sample Web sites -- one of the most comprehensive.

BERKELEY WORKSHEET -- (one of the best, in PDF; copyrighted)

- Gary H. Jones, WCU
   Jan. 2004