
Links to Apprenticeship schedule and assignments below.

Each individual will plan and teach a series of three-(3) lessons on a specific skill theme for 30 minutes each.

Teachers will plan/teach to fourth or fifth graders at Fairview ES from 9:45-10:15 or 10:15-10:45 on the dates assigned. 
The lesson shall be at the control/utilization level depending upon the skill theme that is taught.

Each teacher will provide a warm up activity, present a brief set induction to the lesson; provide instruction w/verbal
information and demonstration for all tasks (if applicable); extend, refine and apply tasks; provide an appropriate game
(based on skill level); and close the lesson w/ a review and preview of next lesson.  The games may not be in the form
of a team or individual sport (i.e. football, basketball, etc).
            The skill theme approach to teaching children’s physical education will be the method.  Teachers will introduce
            important teaching points (cues) about each skill theme or movement concept and present/facilitate several
            extending tasks (changes in difficulty), refining tasks (cues/stop to refocus the entire class & practice same task
            again), and applications (challenges) that utilize the skill themes or movement concepts taught.

Each teacher will write a lesson plan that will identify a motor, cognitive and affective objective, level of skill proficiency,
all associated skill themes and movement concepts taught in the lesson, equipment, and sources.

Each teacher will prepare a detailed instructional plan that will explicitly describe the content development (extending tasks)
and time, the arrangement of the planned skill tasks (with pictures if necessary and a plan for the managerial tasks in the class),
refinements (cues) and applications (challenges - describe each game/activity).

Each teacher will use information from the textbook and one or more other sources available to them (could include other
books, websites, a practicing teacher, etc).  All sources must be cited on the plan.

On the dates of the apprenticeship, each teacher must arrive at Fairview ES early enough to claim their teaching space and
equipment, set up, and return to the gym by 9:40am or 10:10am.   Be sure to check on equipment needs and availability
ahead of time.  Be prepared to teach outside.

One of the three-(3) lessons will be audio-taped by the teacher.  The tape will be analyzed by the teacher and a written
reflection of the lesson will be due by the next class period after the apprenticeship is completed.  The packet will include:
all three-(3) lesson/instructional plans from the series of lessons (mark the plan you chose for analysis), the reflection
of the lesson analyzed, the tape from the lesson analyzed, and the evaluation sheet for the selected lesson.

Links to Apprenticeship Assignment:

Apprenticeship Schedule

Lesson Plan                                                    Sample Lesson Plan

Instructional Plan                                            Sample Instructional Plan

Evaluation Sheet

Reflection Questions