Apprenticeship Schedule

*In case of rain, call Dr. Grube's office at 227-3647 between 9:00am and 9:15am for a "game time" decision.*

Fairview Elementary School
Physical Education

October 30, November 1 and 6
November 8, 13 and 15
4th Grade, 9:45am-10:15am (approximately 10 students)

1.  Holleman

2.  Smith

3.  King

4.  Harmon

5.  Jones

6.  Reinke

7.  Devlin

8.  Birch

4th Grade, 9:45am-10:15am (approximately 10 students)

1.  Grasty

2.  Tessenair

3.  Bingham

4.  Griffee

5.  Braswell

6.  Page

7.  Harrison

8.  Wilson

5th Grade, 10:15am-10:45am (approximately 12 students)

1.  Anderson

2.  Fisher

3.  Martin

4.  Bryson

5.  Stewart

6.  Vance

7.  Gibbs

8.  Galloway

5th Grade, 10:15am-10:45am (approximately 14 students)

1.  Clontz

2.  Golden

3.  Caldwell

4.  James

5.  Parsons

6.  Rice

7.  Rhodes