Return to Digital Literacy Web Agenda

January 23, 2025

What is the SAMR model? Created by John Spencer
NOTE: See if you can spot the Princess Bride reference!

  1. Log in and go to While You Are Waiting for attendance and other activities.

  2. edPuzzle! Let's play the game Would You Rather to see how it works.....
    Add to our edPuzzle class with this link and your class gmail account:

  3. Last touches to your website and an example for Web 2.0 #1
    1. Let's return to your website and publish together using the format for the class.
      1. Select the Publish blue button in the top right of the page.
      2. You'll use part of your class gmail account as the name of your website
      3. Once Published, I can see your work using the link you'll share in Canvas.
      4. Every time you add or change something, you'll need to PUBLISH and it will update/replace the old information with the new. Make sure to do this every time you make a change so I see the most current page and information.
    2. Let's take a look at an example of a Web 2.0 profile:

  4. Tech Standards continued.....
  5. Vintage Sharing: Whiteboardlets

    21st Century Skills and the Fabulous Four Cs!
    Each table group has one of the four Cs. What are three key take-aways from the brief article you read from Canvas available from Think critically about your group's C and the material from the article, communicate and collaborate with your table on three key take aways, and feel free to be creative in how you present your ideas.

  6. Spin the Wheel for a little community building:
    • Pick a Question and Tell Why
      • What is the most interesting or exciting place you've visited?
      • Who is an influential person in your life?
      • What teacher do you remember the most from your schooling? +/-
      • What was a memorable event or experience in your first semester of freshman year?
      • What is your favorite quality about yourself?

  7. Moving on to some technology models:
    These models help inform our work as teachers to be CRITICAL THINKERS and INFORMED DECISION MAKERS. It is professional knowledge that will help you as a teacher.
    1. SAMR: Another way to think about how teachers and students use technology.
      Here are some examples:

      Let's review from the video what SAMR stands for
      created by Dr. Ruben Puentedura, Ph.D.
      Image the creation of Dr. Ruben Puentedura, Ph.D.

    2. TPACK: What is it and why might it be useful in understanding how teachers integrate technology in their practice? The key is that the K in TPACK is what ya' know or in other words the teacher's KNOWLEDGE.

      TPACK OVERVIEW (Google Slides)

      Alan Parkinson from flikr CC-by-nc-2.0

Let's Review...


For your first Web 2.0 tool example and profile, you'll create an instructional activity you can (but don't have to) use with your students using Padlet, Kahoot, or edPuzzle. Ask your CE what might be applicable in your classroom or the students you are working with as this should be an authentic and an efficient use of your time (e.g., double dippin' - assignment for this class and a lesson in your internship).

Here's our example assignment....


View two videos to give you an overview of SAMR and TPACK.



Go back to EdPuzzle and do the TPACK activity making sure you answer every question all the way to the end so you can get credit!