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Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible.
Make sure to use the correct form for your section

EDEL 446 & EDMG 466

May 4, 2023

  • Use your own computer to sign in and complete the Where Will You Go? activity with your own photo

  • The tool you'll use is
    • Upload your image to the website
    • Watch as it does its magic
    • Adjust what is removed if needed with the tools in the top menu
    • Download a lo-res image for this assignment
    • Find your Jamboard slide using the links below from Tuesday and add your photo to your location. Adjust the size and position on the slide as needed.
    • Once done, take a look at your peers' photos!

May 2, 2023

  • Get a Chromebook and complete the attendance form above

  • Collaborative Jamboard: Where Will You Go?
    • Find a blank page on the Jamboard
    • Click the icon from the left menu to add an image. Do a Google Search to find a photo for somewhere you'd like to travel
    • Insert it onto the page and resize to fill the space
    • Add a sticky note or text box at the top or bottom to say your name and where you'd like to go
    • For Thursday, have your teacher take an individual or group (max 4) photo to use OR find one of your own
      (let's see samples of the finished product)

April 27, 2023

  • Complete the attendance form and make sure to use the correct form for your section
  • ON YOUR CHROMEBOOK: Go to SpheroEDU and join with your name from the dropdown menu using this class code: 8HRH6A

  • Follow these directions to create your first program for the Sphero
    • Select the + sign to create your own program.
      • Name the program YOUR NAME (1st, last)_Spin so you can get credit (NancyLuke_Spin)
      • Choose "Blocks"
      • Choose "Sphero"
      • Chosse "Create"
    • You'll notice that the "on start program" black block is already there to get you started. For the first one, re-create the Forever Spin program below and test it with your Sphero.
    • Click on the Purple Controls option at the bottom of the screen to drag a "loop forever" block under the "on start program" block
    • Then go to the Aqua Movements and drag a "raw motor" block in the "loop forever" block and adjust the numbers as shown below
    • Once completed (it saves as you go), use the arrow at the top left to return to your list of programs. You'll now see it in your list.
      • Click the top left arrow to go back to your program and then again to get to your list of programs.
      • SHARE with Classmates AND SHARE with Teacher
      • Your teacher will verify
    • NOW, go to the cart and check out a Sphero! Run your program.


April 25, 2023

April 20, 2023

  • Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible

  • Sign up for a free Wizer account using the "old school" approach by typing in your gmail class account and password.

  • Make sure your NearPod activity is completed and added to your Google Classroom as I'll be grading it ASAP

April 13, 2023

  • Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible
  • Work on your NearPod activity from Tuesday's class
  • NOTE: If you were absent on March 30 or ran out of time if you were in class that day, make sure to complete the two Global Activities in Google Classroom: Where in the World (360 view) and Live Like a Local (Google Earth).

April 11, 2023

  • Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible
  • More with Google Classroom - Creating your class as a teacher


March 30, 2023

  • Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible
  • Google Classroom:
    • Search on Google Classroom, click the link, and log in with your class account. When you are in your Google Classroom dashboard, click the + (plus) to "Join a class". Use code: 7teh6sj
    • Do both activities in your Google Classroom related to Global Education.
    • When you are done with the two Classroom global activities, EITHER:

      1. Play with Google Earth checking out: Voyager (compass icon) or I'm Feeling Lucky (dice icon) or search on these locations:
        1. The house you grew up in
        2. Where one of your family members is from
        3. Your first school
        4. Movie theaters, Play or Opera Houses, Restaurants in an exotic place or somewhere you'd like to visit
        5. One of these funky landmarks: TIP: Use the Pegman to find user generated images (look for the small blue circles)
          • Cadillac Ranch in TX
          • World's Largest Easel in KS
          • The Basket Building in OH
          • The Peachoid (water tower) in SC
          • Dole Plantation Maze in HI
          • The Fremont Troll (sculpture) in WA
          • Salvation Mountain (sculpture) in CA
        6. Try some of these collections:


          Explore the Google Goodies from Tuesday's class.

March 28, 2023

March 23, 2023

March 16, 2023

  • Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible
  • Check out this travel game: City Guesser
  • Take a walking, driving, or flyover tour of a city around the world
    NOTE: There are other options from this site, check them out.....livestream from various cities, etc. (scroll down)

March 14, 2023

  • Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible
  • Complete the form for your preferences on sharing your Animoto in class:
  • If you did not do this in class before break, do it now:
    • Go to Google Keep
      • Start a new note the prompts below and briefly answer it (less than a paragraph - just the facts)
        • What is a change you've experienced in your life and how did it come about? Was it an external or internal change? How did you respond to it and how has it impacted you in who you are today?
      • For your note, share it with using the Collaborator icon at the bottom of then note
  • One you are finished, do the following:
    • SANDBOX: Log into WeVideo and create a short video that includes on your timeline:
      • Three images of your choice (your images, those from WeVideo, or from another source such as Pixabay you upload into your project) on the Video timeline
      • One short video clip anywhere within your images on the Video timeline
      • A music track on the Audio timeline
      • Later in the class, we'll add narration, a title, and credits and finish by publishing

March 2, 2023

  • Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible

  • Go to Google Keep
    • Start a new note the prompts below and briefly answer it (less than a paragraph - just the facts)
      • What is a change you've experienced in your life and how did it come about? Was it an external or internal change? How did you respond to it and how has it impacted you in who you are today?
    • For your note, share it with using the Collaborator icon at the bottom of then note

February 28, 2023

  • Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible

  • Sign up for WeVideo using your class account. This is what you will use for your Personal Digital Story assignment. Sign up with your class gmail account and YOU MUST use this for your project to avoid the watermark. Do not use the automatic with Google option; do the Old School sign up with email address.

  • Take a look around WeVideo to see what it can do and later in class, we'll explore together.

February 16, 2023

  • Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible

  • googley eyes Getting Googley: Google Slides, CC0 Images, and Adding Slide Notes with Voice/Speech to Text
    1. Reflect on a topic or standard from your classroom's curriculum that might lend itself to visual content.

    2. Search one of these CC0 (copyright free) visuals websites listed to find images related to your topic and download it or them to your files area on your Chromebook
    3. Access the shared Google Slidedeck with this link:

    4. Find the slide with your name and insert your CC0 image (s) on the slide

    5. Next, use the Tools menu >> Voice Type Speaker Notes to record text to go with your image for your students

    6. It will appear in the notes section of the slide

    7. NOTE: If you need to go elsewhere in the room or wish to use a headset to record, feel free to do so.

February 14, 2023

  • Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible

  • Check out this classroom tool for management and procedures: 
    (NOTE: You cannot save with the free version but it doesn't take long to set up the space/page)

February 9, 2023

  • Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible

  • Create a Jamboard to use with your students. Let's explore the options:
    • Go to the waffle menu in the top right corner of the page or do a Google Search on "Jamboard" and go to the site. You're automatically logged in since you're on a Chromebook.
    • Use the + to create a new board and experiment with the options.
    • This can be interactive on IWB or designed for use on individual student devices
    • Try these out: Add images, layers, backgrounds, copy and paste images from the internet (add website to cite source if not free)
    • Use one of these two free sites for images
      Pixabay: or Unsplash:
    • Share the link to your Jamboard with your instructor as your attendance today

February 6, 2023

February 2, 2023

January 31, 2023

  • Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible

  • Many of your explored and liked the Quiz Show Flippity game (like Jeopardy). Here is another web 2.0 tool that does a similar function: Browse to see some sample games by subject/topic

  • Explore the web 2.0 tool, That Quiz: Create an account with your class gmail and once logged in, use the browse tool to find quizzes that other teachers have created across grade levels and subject areas. NOTE: You can create classes and save your students' work with a free account.

January 26, 2023

  • Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible.

  • Inside your nametag, answer these questions:
    • Where would you like to travel?
    • Who is a memorable teacher for you and why?

  • Go to the Flippity website and choose at least two activities. Browse the Demo activity to see what it can do. Write a 2-3 sentence summary for each of the two choices (Vintage - notecard on your table) of what you think of the activity and if you might use each with your students. Keep looking until you find activities that could work with your students. Turn your answers in to the designated area for a possible point. MAKE SURE TO WRITE YOUR NAME SO YOU GET CREDIT!

January 24, 2023

January 19, 2023

January 17, 2023

  • Complete the attendance form and answer all questions as completely as possible.