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February 14, 2023

Video to.....

  1. Sign in, stowe your other devices, log into a Chromebook, and go to WYAW (While You Are Waiting).

  2. Assignment Tips: Web 2.0 #2
    • Robust paragraphs are more than three sentences
    • Specific details and EXAMPLES for academic learning, SEL, and other ideas
    • Try to avoid *just* telling why the tool is useful, give real world examples
    • Make sure your links work
    • Make sure the example is one you create yourself and not one you find from someone else
    • BLUE RIBBON: Great inclusion of standards aligned with ideas

  3. Animalz: Uses of video in the classroom. How are you seeing teachers (e.g., your CE) using video? Write four ideas on your lo-tech whiteboard.

  4. Web 2.0 ALERT: Flip (the artist formerly known as FlipGrid (
    You can sign up with your class account as a teacher, for free. MAKE SURE TO SIGN UP THE OLD SCHOOL WAY (not with the Google option)
    First, let's try this as students: Go to this link and add your username (class gmail without
    TIP: If you use the Flip options, DO NOT cover your face. I need to both see and hear you to give you credit!

    Record one Flip video between 15-30 seconds answering the questions:
    1) How can you use video as an instructional tool - a video you find or create yourself to teach something?
    2) How can your students create video to show what they know, an idea, or to share about themselves?

    Here's a resource for using FlipGrid in the Classroom:

  5. Let's make some video and start with a cloud-based tool that is considered a Web 2.0 tool (in the cloud).
    Getting started with ANIMOTO: An online video creation tool - basic with some but not as much control as other tools.
    • See these examples from our colleagues:
    • Create a free personal account with your gmail address:

    • Click "Personal Use" and then "Start from Scratch" in the top right corner of the screen

    • Pick a Theme (this can be changed later, if you wish); Landscape aspect ratio, and skip the media upload and the tour (you can watch if you wish but don't have to).

    • Begin an Animoto using your own images and video, those built into Animoto's Stock Collection or search, download, and use some from one of our free sites such as Pixabay or Pexels

      • Upload the images and video using the Media Library: Project tab to the right of the screen.

      • To start your video, add a title by clicking on the existing block at the bottom of the screen and adding text. You can also add an image in the background, if you wish

      • Next, add a block with images, text, and/or video to your video project timeline/storyboard by clicking the + icon at the bottom of the screen. You will have a variety of layouts to choose from and once you make a selection, this will add a block in which you can add images, video, and/or text.

      • Add at least 4 blocks with visuals in addition to your title

      • Now, explore the soundtrack for your video. Suggestion: use the music Animoto offers (see icon to choose at top of screen)

        You may also use one of these sound files from the free site, Incompetech ( Download it by right clicking and saving it to your files area and then uploading into Animoto. This is CC0 music.
        Corncob.mp3 // Flutey Funk.mp3 // Somewhere Sunny.mp3 // Wallpaper.mp3

      • Explore and play with uploading photos, video, uploading your own music *be aware of copyright*, adding captions and other text elements
      • Your final video can be about one of two choices: 1) the Where I'm From poem you did in Dr. Tracy's class or 2) anything you wish - your choice.

        The following elements are required:

        • A text block at the start of your video with your title
        • At least 4 or more images and/or video (NOTE: images alone are fine, no video is required)
        • Music of your choice
        • Must be between 30 seconds and 2:30 minutes in length

      • Once your video is finished, click the Export button in the top right corner; be patient it may take a little while.

      • Preview it and once you like what you see, copy the link and add it to your Google Site for Web 2.0 #2 tool either embedded or as a clickable link. (Save the rest of the profile for later, if you wish - DUE September 27)

    This tutorial walks you through from start to finish with the start from "Scratch" option and shows how to use different text and image/video layouts as well as how to add music.


Visuals: Pixabay, Pexels, Unsplash, Morguefile


Media Resources from Penn State

OER Commons: Free Digital Library and Network of Educational Resources



All Media, mostly Images

Wikipedia:Public domain image resources

Public Domain Image Websites

Access some fabulous visual and audio media collections at the Library of Congress (some but not all are in the Public Domain)