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Block Coding and Spheros

April 27, 2023

  1. Get a Chromebook and sign in then go to:

  2. Digital Story! Spread compliments like confetti!

  3. Spheros!
    Go outside and learn to use your Sphero - Drive and Draw until your time is up - your teacher will tell you.
    NOTE: For incliment weather, use the non-classroom sections of Killian (e.g., by our classroom and the UP offices) on the first or second floors


CREATE YOUR OWN PROGRAM (from the link below or try one of your own).

  1. YOUR TURN: Create your own program for your Sphero includig perhaps: Movement blocks, Lights blocks, and/or Sound blocks. You can make one of your own (RECOMMENDED) or recreate one from the examples provided. Some Sphero Programs for You to Try
  2. TEST IT with your Sphero to verify it works the way you wish it to work.
  3. You can change it as you wish as it's NOT right or wrong but "keep trying" until you are satisfied
  4. TO GET CREDIT/POINTS: Make sure to choose BOTH "Share with Classmates" and "Share with Teacher"
  5. Try out some of your peers' programs and some of those in the Resources area collected by your teacher that were demoed in class.

A list of Sphero Challenges from a classroom teacher in Georgia. Try some of these out....

  • Choose Drive/Touch Control (icon in purple square)
    • Find and pair your device with your Sphero. Make sure to choose the correct Sphero and not someone else's
    • Calibrate the Sphero by using Aim to aim the light on the Sphero toward you
    • Use the remote control on your phone/iPad to move the Sphero and change speed, etc.

  • Choose Activities (icon in blue square) to explore activities that your teacher assigns.

  • Choose Resources (icon in green square) to try out one of the class programs shared with your class to run on your Sphero (e.g. WCU pride, Disco Dance Party, Magic Eight Ball)

  • Choose Programs (icon in red square) to create your own programs starting with a simple draw program and moving up to your own block coding


A Great Educational Coding Website

Top Coding Websites for Kids

10 Free Coding Games Websites for Teaching Programming Skills

Hour of Code

Computational Thinking Competencies

Computational Thinking Teacher Resources (RICH RESOURCE)

A Comprehensive List of Coding Resources

Videos on Computational Thinking and Coding:

Computational thinking: A digital age skill for everyone

Other Videos from ISTE

A Fabulous and Free Coding Website for Kids from MIT - Scratch


Teacher's Guide