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March 24, 2022
- Sign in and stow your phones out of sight. Log into a Chromebook and complete the WYAW activities.
- Digital Stories: Confetti Compliments and Sharing in a Brave Space
- Google and Chrome go hand in hand and allow for some powerful tools you can use for your classroom including (Google) Classroom.
Google Classroom:
- Search on Google Classroom, click the link, and log in with your class account. When you are in your Google Classroom dashboard, click the + (plus) to "Join a class". MAKE SURE TO ADD YOURSELF TO THE CORRECT SECTION USING THE CODE FOR YOUR CLASS.
- EDMG 466
Use code: 4axkbwt
- EDEL 446
Use code: uveq6gj
- Let's explore the options using the example assignments posted.
- First, look at the materials from four websites shared to Classroom from the website. Teachers can add content from a website or web 2.0 tool (e.g. Quizlet) directly to Google Classroom using the "Share" option for that website
>> Select Google Classroom and then choose the class(es) to which to add the resource.
NOTE: You must be logged into your Classroom account for this to work.
- Do the Explore and Respond activity (this is "graded" and is an option used often by teachers for assessment). Post your response and then respond to at least one of your peers' posts.
- We'll Do the NearPod activity together as a class. NOTE: Students can also use teacher created NearPods on an individual, self-paced basis. NearPod has tiers of options based on payment plans but the free or Silver option is still pretty powerful.
Getting Google-y: So far we've used Google: Blogger (blogspot), Sites, Drive, Jamboard, and gmail. Here are a few more to consider:
- Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/
This tool is very useful in finding research related to a particular topic. You can often access the entire article by using the link to the right of the citation. You can also get the article citation in a variety of formats (e.g. APA, MLA, etc.)
- Google Keep: https://keep.google.com/ allows you to keep notes, add images, create checklists, and sync all of this across multiple devices.
- Search for "Google Keep". When you see the results, right click and choose "Pin to shelf" It can also run offine (these apps are indicated in the Chrome store) by a lightening bolt. Every time you log into Chrome on any device, your Keep notes will be accessble.
- Google Goodies
- NearPod Workshop:
- Log into your Nearpod account as a teacher.
- Go to Nearpod library.
- Search for a pre-made lesson that fits your subject area and grade level; preview it.
- To keep it to make change, choose "Add to my lessons"
- To view and edit your copy, choose "Show in my lessons" and then "Edit"
- Try adding content and activities as well as modify existing slides, content, and activities.
- Click save as you go