Sign in, stowe your other devices, log into a Chromebook, and go to WYAW (While You Are Waiting).
Copyright and Fair Use -
Fair Use Can Be Complicated but the intended use and a good faith effort made to use materals fairly DO factor in..... COVID changed some things (temporarily):
The Copyright Act at §110(1) (face to face teaching exemption) allows for the performance or display of video or film in a classroom where instruction takes place in [the] classroom with enrolled students physically present and the film is related to the curricular goals of the course.
(Apr 8, 2021)
Find the information about the kind of CC licence the materials on the site uses (TIP: Look at the bottom of the home page or on the About pages). Demo:
Getting Googley: Google Slides, CC0 Images, and Adding Slide Notes with Voice/Speech to Text
Reflect on a topic or standard from your classroom's curriculum that might lend itself to visual content.
Search one of the CC0 (copyright free) visuals websites listed above to find images related to your topic and download them to your files area on your Chromebook
Go to Google Slides for your section and press the drop down menu next to the + to begin a new slidedeck (choose Blank, if possible)