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April 26, 2022
- Today use your own computer and complete WYAW from
- Digital Stories! Three compliments to our friends and excellent storymakers.
- Assessment with Technology:
- Tools we know (Table groups)
- Some new ones
- Communicating with Families
What are some ways you can communicate with families using old or new technology?
Old School: Printed Newsletter
Middle SchTool: E-mails
New Tools: Remind, Class Dojo, and (drum roll.....)
- Free tool limited to 3 flyers total, 200 email "sends" but this refreshes each month with another 200 sends
- Good for digital communication - email blasts
- Affordable for educators ($79/year - see if your media specialist or principal will cover it or set up a donor's choose)
- To introduce yourself:
Let's check out a few things Smore can do:
- Choose from a limited number of backgrounds, colors, and fonts
- Add text to preformatted boxes
- Add images and embed video and sound
- NOTE: To add images, you have to download and save them and then insert them into your flyer/newsletter
SMORE newsletters to communicate digitally....with families, colleagues, students, etc.
- Sign up for a free smore account with your class gmail.
- Create a smore with the topic of your choice. Make sure to finish and publish it so I can view it and give you credit.
- Include ALL required elements - see checklist below.
- Copy the live newsletter link onto your Google Sites webpage (This is Web 2.0 tool #5)
- YOU DO NOT HAVE TO INCLUDE A PHONE NUMBER IN YOUR PROFILE. Just make sure all the required elements are included. NOTE: You may use your class gmail for your contact info. I would recommend using a "fake" phone number if you don't wish yours to be accessible (e.g., 828-xxx-xxxx, literally use x)
Checklist for your smore newsletter: (add from buttons/options at the bottom of the page)
Relevant text that is polished and grammatically correct; |
At least 3 text blocks (with text only or with images)
__ Text #1
__ Text #2
__ Text #3
One three image gallery |
1 embedded video ; |
1 event OR bio/contact |
Listing of sources (url is fine) at the bottom of the flyer/newsletter using a text block |