Return to Digital Literacy Web Agenda


All assignments for the course must be submitted by midnight on the day it is due (See calendar below or the web agenda). Additional smaller point-bearing activities will also be due by midnight on the date stipulated if they are not completed in class. Due dates are only changed to allow for requested extensions.

Assignments are due by midnight on the specified date. Extensions may be granted only if requested via email BEFORE the date/time the assignment is due. ONLY ONE EXTENSION PER ASSIGNMENT
Sept 6 Web 2.0 #1 create original instructional material using either Padlet, Kahoot, or edPuzzle. Add the link to your website with profile narrative (see prompts below) This will go on the Web 2.0 #1 <Tool name> page
Sept 22 Two Haiku Google Slides project (send link to instructor email or text to instructor in Remind)
Sept 27 Web 2.0 #2 Animoto Add the link to your website with profile narrative (see prompts below) This will go your Google site on the Web 2.0 #2 Animoto page
Oct 11 Web 2.0 #3 Dealer's Choice with profile narrative (see prompts below) to your Google site on the Web 2.0 #3 page
Oct 25 Personal Digital Story (Two documents submitted in Canvas)
Nov 11 Technology Integrated Lesson Plan (Using the web 2.0 tool Flippity)
Nov 15 Web 2.0 #4 Google Earth Project (Tour) with profile narrative (see prompts below) to your Google site on the Web 2.0 #4 page
Nov 29 Choice Assignment (Submitted in Canvas)
Dec 6 Web 2.0 #5 smore newsletter with profile narrative (see prompts below) to your Google website on the Web 2.0 #5 smore page


Flippity Technology-Integrated Lesson Plan (Plan, Created Lesson Material, Reflection)

Personal Digital Story

EDEL 446: Choice Assignment:

Web 2.0 Tools Website #1 Instructional Material and Profile (Choose one: Padlet, Kahoot, edPuzzle)

Web 2.0 Tools Website #2 Animoto Video and Profile

Web 2.0 Tools Website #3 Dealer's Choice and Profile

Web 2.0 Tools Website #4 Google Earth Tour

Web 2.0 Tools Website #5 Smore newsletter



NOTE: You must use Chrome to edit and publish your website. Mac users: DO NOT USE SAFARI as this causes problems with correctly viewing changes to your website aka your submitted/published work.

Prompts/Guidelines for web 2.0 website tool profiles. NOTE: Your paragraphs should be robust and not wimpy. Shoot for meaty, detailed, and in-depth writing that shows all and not just some of your ideas in a complete manner.

  1. (1 paragraph of 3 -4 sentences) DESCRIPTION:
    Describe with concrete details and examples what the tool is and what it can do.

  2. (3 *robust* paragraphs) APPLICATION TO TEACHING:
    This is the section that shows you know how to use the tool in *your* classroom. Included the following in this section:
    • Include with descriptions and examples 3-4 specific ways that teachers and students could use the tool in the classroom to support teaching and learning and, if applicable, other "teacher work" such as professional development, communication with families, etc.

    • At least one of the 2-3 ideas must tie to the curriculum and include (copy/paste is fine) a standard from a curricular area (e.g., Math, Social Studies, ELA) preferably one for the students in your current classroom. The standard must also have a lesson idea. At least one of other ideas for using the tool must be tied to social-emotional learning (e.g., building class community, supporting students' confidence and self-esteem).