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November 10, 2022

  1. Stow your phones and go to WYAW.

  2. Digital Stories! Spread compliments like confetti......

  3. CHOICE ASSIGNMENT: (log into Canvas)
  4. Bulb Overview:

  5. iPad Demo: Osmo
  6. Collaborative iPad Activity for Students (20 minutes)
    • All team members should be involved!
    • When shooting video MAKE SURE TO TURN UP THE VOLUME on your iPad and don't stand too far away to be heard
    • If your evidence is a photo, ADD A CAPTION, if a video speak loudly and get close
    • Try to do as many missions as possible and you can check your progress in the Activity Feed
    • Enter the game as a guest and choose a team.
    TEAM NAME: Group Maker in Classroom Screen
      Search: EDEL446-03-F22 Search: EDEL446-02-F22
    GROUP 1: Cabin Fever    
    GROUP 2: Clingmans Dome
    GROUP 3: Mt.LeConte
    GROUP 4: Smokys Bear    
    GROUP 5: Whiteside Mountain    

WRAPPING IT UP: When you return from your GooseChase:

  1. Explore and add content to your Bulb portfolio

  2. Interact with the OSMO games on the iPad

  3. Work on your Web 2.0 #4 assignment

  4. Explore more PSA student films at:


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