

The most important aspect of treatment of HPPD is to establish an accurate diagnosis.  Because the symptoms displayed by HPPD are commonly mistaken for some sort of psychotic disorder, stroke, or brain tumors, a precise diagnosis is the most critical phase.  Unfortunately, there is no established medical treatment for HPPD at this time.  Antidepressant drugs may be prescribed to reduce the symptoms of some patients (Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder).                  


Psychotherapy is also an option to aid in the adjustment of patients that experience the confusion and fear from this disorder.  A drug rehabilitation program is the best choice because you must discontinue the use and / or abuse of hallucinogens in order to cope, and these programs typically tailor the treatment to fit the person depending upon their specific situation.  Further, a combination of techniques is usually utilized, ensuring a higher probability of successful coping.  The different techniques are as follows: individual counseling, medication, group therapy, and supervised withdrawal (Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder).


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