Revised 1/31/01
More Brown Candy
Measures of Variation and the Computer
Worksheet 5

1. Enter the data values in column A of an Excel worksheet (or open BRNRATES.XLS)
    and compute the descriptive statistics. To compute standard deviations in Excel you
    can use =stdevp(A2:A38) (assumes data set is a population and is in cells a2 to a38)
    or you can use =stdev(A2:A38) if the data set is a sample.

2. To generate a random sample of brown rates from a different candy (Q&Qs)
    follow these instructions.

    (1) Switch to an empty sheet.

    (2) Under TOOLS, select DATA ANALYSIS..., then RANDOM NUMBER

   (3) In the resulting window, enter the following values:

        Variables                                     1

        Number of Random Numbers         40

        Distribution                                    Binomial

        p Value                                         0.4

        Number of Trials                            10

        Seed                                           Type any number you want

        Output Options                             Select output range

        Output range                                 A1

       Click OK. You will find 40 values in A1 through A40. Each value is the
       number of brown Q&Qs in a randomly selected pack of 10 Q&Qs.

   (4) In B1 enter the formula = A1 * 10. Then copy this formula into B2 through B40.
       The values in B1 through B40 are the percentage of the Q&Qs in each pack that
        are brown.

3. Use the descriptive statistics you computed to compare the browns in a typical
    package of M&Ms and Q&Qs.  Describe the differences/similarities, if any,
    that a consumer should expect to find with regard to brown pieces between the
    two candies.

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