Revised 1/21/01
Brown M&Ms
Measures of Central Location
Worksheet 4

1. What percentage of the M&Ms in your package were brown? Call this the brown

    Form data set of the brown rates for each person or open the file BRNRATES.XLS
    in the class pickup folder.

2. Construct a histogram of the brown rates, then compute the mean, median, and
    mode(s) for the set of brown rates. Use the commands from worksheet 3. Then
    use TOOLS->DATA ANALYSIS->DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS and compare the results.

3. Make an inference about the brown rate for all packages of M&Ms.

4. Use the random number table or Excel to generate a random sample of five (5)
    brown rates from the classrates. In Excel click TOOLS->DATA ANALYSIS->SAMPLING.
    In the window that appears, indicate the range of the population of
    brown rates (if you used a cell for a variable name for the brown rates and you
    include it in your range for the population, be sure to check the Labels box.) The
    sampling method we will use is Random (which is checked already as the default).
    Please note that Excel asks for the number of samples but really wants to know
    the number of observations to put in your sample. To avoid confusion, we will not
    use the term "sample" interchangeably with "observation" in class. For us, a sample
    is a set of observations that is a subset of a population. In this case we want five
    observations. You have three options for the destination of your random sample.
    The default of a new worksheet often proves to be convenient.

5. Compute the mean, median, and mode(s) of the sample and compare these
    values with the answers to Question 2. Are the results of the comparisons
    surprising to you? _________   Explain your answer.

6. Repeat Questions 4 and 5 with a new random sample of 5 brown rates.

7. Assemble the means for Questions 5 and 6 for the entire class and comment on
    the likely results from using a sample mean to infer a value for the population

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