Advertising Competition among Video-Rental Stores
Problem Solving, Applications, Synthesis
Worksheet 30

Use the methods and concepts we studied this semester to design a study to obtain and analyze quantitative information about the advertising of your likely competitors. You are considering opening a video rental store in the Sylva-Cullowhee area. (You do not need to make up numbers).

    A.     Think of two important questions to try to answer about the level of your
            competitors= advertising in order maintain the vitality of your own company?
            The questions should have quantitative answers.

    B.     Take one of these questions and tell what quantitative variables you would
            use to answer this question.

    C.     Take one of these variables and give a short explanation of how you would
            obtain the data. Assume your potential competitors keep firm data
            confidential and only reluctantly divulge even obvious information --i.e. you
            must do all the data collection yourself.

    D.     Finally, select and justify a statistical technique that you would use to analyze
            the data in order to answer the question you selected earlier. Be sure to say
            (1) if the data you collect will be appropriate for the analysis you select and
            (2) how the result of the statistical analysis will answer the question.

    E.     What are some possible shortcoming of your study?

Other ideas:

    1.     Check with engineering technology to see if there are products they produce
            that we could use for quality or specification checks--different

    2.     Check with Rita about different versions of newsletters or let some just get a
            flyer and check response rates (make sure there is no overlap).

    3.     Obtain random sample of certain stock=s closing prices from Wall St Jrnl (or
            just last 10 business days at the first of the semester

    4.     Other variables:
            How much television between 6 pm of previous evening and start of class

            Number of credit hours taking now (taken up until now)

            Score on last test

            Amount spent on groceries in Sylva during last week

            Number of times eaten in Jackson County restaurants in last week

            How many magazines do you subscribe to (or share contributions to pay the
            publisher) currently?

            How many hours did you sleep during the last 24 hours?

            How many times do you go to a theater in a normal week during the school
            year? (or during last summer)


            Roller blades


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