Fairweather Football Fans?
Evaluating Regression Coefficient
Worksheet 29

We want to estimate and evaluate a model to understand the influence of weather on attendance at WCU football games over the period from 1972 to 1995. We will measure weather with temperature. The functional form of the model is A = f(T), where A = attendance at a particular game and T = outside temperature at game time (degrees Fahrenheit). Specifically, we will assume a linear relationship. The data is in the class folder in the file FBEXPLE.XLS.

1. Is the data set a time series or cross section? What is n?

2. Set up the hypotheses to test for the sign of the regression coefficient.

3. Estimate the equation using EXCEL. Interpret the coefficient.

4. Test the hypotheses you set up in Question 2 at the 0.05 significance level.

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