A Test of Your Testing Intuition
Hypothesis Testing Exercises
Worksheet 26


Suppose a and n remain fixed when testing H0: m > 815 versus H1: m < 815 with a large sample.

    1. What is the symbol for the test statistic (I am not looking for a numeric value)?

You find that s is larger than you first anticipated.

    2. What does this new finding tell you about the population?

    3. What does your answer to #2 imply about our ability to correctly guess
        whether H0 is true or false?

When performing hypothesis tests, we only want to reject H0, when we obtain overwhelming evidence that H0 is false.

    4. Given this statement of the philosophy of hypothesis testing and your answer to
        #3, will the rejection region increase or decrease because of the larger s?

The critical value is 2.33 for the hypotheses: H0: m  <  9020   &   H1: m > 9020. The test statistic is 2.67. Both the critical value and the test statistic are expressed as Z values.

    5. What is the decision for this test?

The critical value is -2.33 for the hypotheses: H0: p > 0.92 & H1: p < 0.92. The test statistic is -2.07. Both the critical value and the test statistic are expressed as Z values.

    6. What is the decision for this test?

    7. Write the hypotheses (H0 and H1) that the Cracker Jacks manufacturer would
        use if they want to demonstrate that the average number of peanuts in each
        box is greater than twelve.

        H0: _________                            H1:____________

    8. Write the hypotheses (H0 and H1) that a consumer group would use if they want
        to demonstrate that M&M/Mars Company's claim that twenty percent of all M&M
        Peanuts are orange is a false claim.

        H0:____________                       H1:___________

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