From the Beginning
Hypothesis Testing Exercises
Worksheet 25

1.     A student recreation groups wants to demonstrate that the average number of
        days per week that students do team sports activities (practice and actual
        competition) is less than 1.5 days per week. They collect the following random
        sample of values (days of exercise from the previous week). Use this information
        and perform the hypothesis test for the student group.
        (1) Show H0 and H1.
        (2) Label and show the diagram you use to make a decision along with
        (3) Make a decision and interpret it in the context of this situation.
        Test at the 0.10 level and make any necessary distribution assumptions.

{6 0 0 1 5 2 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0}
2.     A group of foresters wants to demonstrate that the average number of years for
        a certain species of tree to reach a 6 inch diameter is more than 10.7 years.
        They collect the following sample of values (ages of trees when they reach 6
        inch diameter). Use this information to perform a hypothesis test for the
        (1) Show H0 and H1.
        (2) Label and show the diagram you use to make a decision along with
        (3) Make a decision and interpret it in the context of this situation.
        Test at the 0.10 level and make any necessary distribution assumptions.
{16 10 10 11 15 12 13 17}

3.     A clerical organization wants to demonstrate that the average time to complete a
        task since the advent of office computers is less than the old average of 15.66
        minutes. They collect the following random sample of completion times from the
        last month. Use this information and perform the hypothesis test for the clerical
        (1) Show Ho and H1.
        (2) Label and show the diagram you use to make a decision along with
        (3) Make a decision and interpret it in the context of this situation.
        Test at the 0.01 level and make any necessary distribution assumptions.

{ 16 10 9 11 }

4.     A clerical organization wants to demonstrate that the average number of times
        that people redo (proof, correct and reprint) office memos since the advent of
        office computers is more than the old average of 1.34 times. They collect the
        following random sample of values (redos from the last month). Use this
        information and perform the hypothesis test for the clerical group.
        (1) Show Ho and H1.
        (2) Label and show the diagram you use to make a decision along with
        (3) Make a decision and interpret it in the context of this situation.
        Test at the 0.05 level and make any necessary distribution assumptions.

{ 6 0 0 1 }

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