Permanent Residences (PRs)
Frequency Distributions and Histograms
Worksheet 2

You will need a data set to proceed.  Once you click on the data set name which follows, a box appears.  It asks whether to open or save the file, I suggest you save it (probably on your 3.5 floppy).  You must give it a name also.  Remember the name and location where you save it, so you can open it in Excel and proceed with the worksheet.

Click on Permanent Residence Data.  After you save the data, open it in Excel and proceed.

1.     Where is your permanent residence located (PRL)? _____________________

    Form data set of responses from each person. The variable is 1 when the PRL is in
    and 0 when it is not.

2.     Approximately how far from WCU is your permanent residence? (PRD)?
        Form data set of responses from each person.

3.     Construct a frequency distribution and histogram of the PRL data.

4.     Construct a frequency distribution and histogram of the PRD data.

5.     Describe the pattern of the PRD data. What does it tell you about the students
        in this class?

6.     Are there PRD values that tend to distort the pattern or make it difficult to
        discern in the frequency distribution or histogram? What is the value(or values)?
        Tell how it (or they) spoil the pattern.

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