Revised 5/19/97
Count of Fours in Three Tosses
Binomial Random Variable
Worksheet 13

Toss the die three times and count the number of fours (0, 1, 2, or 3) in each series of three tosses. For instance, if you toss a 3, then a 4, then a 2, you tossed one 4 in the three tosses--record a tally mark beside the 1 row. If the three tosses produce a 4, a 2, and a 4, then place a tally mark in the 2 row. Tally the count of fours for as many series of three tosses as possible in the allotted time. Then total the number of series and the number of times each count occurred. Figure the relative frequency for each possible count.

Count of Fours Tally Total Relative

1. What is the likelihood of getting a four in one toss of your die?

2. What is the likelihood of getting 2 fours in three tosses of your die?

3. What is the likelihood of getting no fours in three tosses of your die?

4. What is the likelihood of getting all fours in three tosses of your die?

5. What is the probability of getting at least one four in three tosses of your die?

6. Do the answers seems reasonable? For instance, should the answer to the last
    question be a very small number, a very large number, a value close to zero, or a
    value close to one?

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