Dice Tosses
Probability Distributions
Worksheet 10

1. Toss a pair of dice 50 times and tally the total dot count and the absolute and
    relative frequency of each count.
Dot Count Tally Total Frequency Relative Frequency
2 . . .
3 . . .
4 . . .
5 . . .
6 . . .
7 . . .
8 . . .
9 . . .
10 . . .
11 . . .
12 . . .

2. Use the class results to estimate the probability of each outcome.

3. Form the probability distribution of the random variable X = dot count from toss of
    a pair of dice.

4. Interpret your estimate of P(X=5).

5. Which dot count is most likely to occur when you toss a pair of dice? Why do you
    think this is the most likely outcome?

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