Revised 8/22/96
Political Affiliations
Introductory Statistical Concepts
Worksheet 1

1.     Which party are you affiliated with (which party generally seems to favor or be associated with your position on most political issues)?

                    __ Democratic     __ Republican     __ Other

    Form data set of responses from each person.
2.     What percent of the respondents selected Democratic? (Show computations.)
3.     If we want to know the political affiliations of all WCU students, would our set of responses from all students in this class be a population or a sample?
4.     Would the statistic from Question 2 be a descriptive or inferential statistic, if our interests lie in the affiliations of all WCU students?
5.     If we want to know the affiliations of people in this class, would our data set be a population or a sample?
6.     Would the statistic from Question 2 be a descriptive or inferential statistic, if our interests lie in the affiliations of this class?
7.     Use the random sample of responses provided and compute the percentage of sample respondents who selected Democratic.
8.     Does the value from Question 7 differ from the value from Question 2?  Do you expect the sample value to differ from the population value (1) a lot, (2) a little, or (3) not at all?
 9.    Describe a situation where you definitely need statistics in order to obtain information about a population.
10.   Replace all "Democratic" responses with a 1 and all other responses with a 0. What is the average (mean) response for your sample?  Compare this value with your value for Question 7.

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