Police Production Function
 from Chapman, Jeffrey I., Werner Z. Hirsch, and Sidney Sonenblum, "Crime Prevention, the Police Production Function, and Budgeting," Public Finance, vol. 30, no. 2, (1975), pp 197-215.

 Dependent Var.     Q = felony arrest rate = number of arrests/number of crimes

 Independent variables (all measured in per capita terms)

        MT = number of motorcycle teams
          Assume labor intensive production function and allow for K by assuming relatively fixed
          proportions--1 man and 1 motorcycle => MT coefficient is proxy for joint effect of L and K

        FO = number of field officers

       NFO = number of nonfield officers

        CE = number of civilian employees

        XC = number of newly released criminals in the community
          XC proxies police knowledge of potential criminal population in the jurisdiction.  If XC increases,
          presumably, it is easier for police to make arrests.
