Figuring Your Grade

1. Drop the lowest of the three test scores.  (If you did not take a test the score is 0.)
    You now have two test scores.  Call the lowest of these two x.  The sum of
    the two highest scores is the number of points you have out of 200 possible
    before the final.

    Ex:  Scores    84  72  56
           The lowest score is 56, so we only consider 84 and 72.  Let x = 72.  Going into
            the final you would have 84+72 = 156 out of 200 possible (or about 78%).

2. If the exam score is higher than your your lowest remaining test score, then
    replace x with the exam score and recompute the test score total.  The best
    test total is the test point total after you complete this step.
        If exam score > x, then x = exam score.  Otherwise, leave x = x.

    Ex: exam score = 80 > 72 = x, so make x = 80.  The best test total is 84 + 80 = 164.
           This is better than the original 156.  If your final exam score were 50, which
           is worse than 72, then do not replace x = 72.  The best test total is the same
           as the preexam test total, 156.

4. Your total points = best test total + final exam score.  There are 300 possible

    Ex: If the final exam score is 80, then Total points = 164 + 80 = 244 out of 300
          or 81%, a B.  If the final exam score were 50, then Total points = 156 + 50 =
          206 or 69%, a D.

You Cannot Drop or Substitute for the Final Exam Score to compute Total Points.

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