Sadat (IT) Academy
Dr. Gary H. Jones
Some of this material will be on
the final exam. See
Ethics page
Whistleblowing (know the headings; reading the entire article is
Codes of Ethics
International business
United Nations Universal Declaration
of Human Rights
All: the Preamble through Article 30
2. Constitution of the Arab Republic
Only (a) the Proclamation, and (b) Chapter 3
Excerpt from the Constitutional Proclamation (beginning of document)
Freedom For The Humanity Of The Egyptian Man Having realized that man’s humanity and dignity are the torches that guide and direct the course of the enormous development of mankind towards its supreme ideals.
The dignity of every individual is natural reflection of the dignity of his nation, for each individual is a cornerstone in the edifice of the homeland . This homeland derives its strength and prestige from the value of each individual, his activity and dignity .
The sovereignty of law is not only a guarantee for the freedom of the individual but is also the sole basis for the legality of authority.
The alliance of the popular working forces is not a means for social conflict towards historical development, it is , in this modern age, with its climate and ways , a safety valve protecting the unity of the working powers of the nation and eliminating contradictions within these forces through democratic interaction
We the working masses of the people of Egypt - out of determination, confidence and faith in all our national and international responsibilities, and in acknowledgment of God’s right and His messages, and in recognition of the right of our nation as well as of the principle and responsibility of mankind, and in the name of God and with His assistance - declare on the Eleventh of September 1971 that we accept and grant ourselves this Constitution, asserting our firm determination to defend and protect it, assuring our respect for it.
Chapter Three: Public Freedoms, Rights and Duties
Excerpt is below, but you are asked to read all of Chapter Three (link
is above)
Article.40: All citizens are equal before the law. They have equal public rights and duties without discrimination due to sex, ethnic origin, language, religion or creed.
Article.41: Individual freedom is a natural right not subject to violation except in cases of flagrante delicto. No person may be arrested, inspected, detained or have his freedom restricted in any way or be prevented from free movement except by an order necessitated by investigations and the preservation of public security. This order shall be given by the competent judge or the Public Prosecution in accordance with the provisions of the law.
Advertising (also, please
see lecture notes)
Advertising Federation, Ethics and Principles
(read for main points)
Whistleblowing article
Ethics and Cheating on Exams
The "Triple Bottom Line" The
consistent thread among the bigger corporations embracing social
responsibility is the long-term health of their economic bottom line.
While Shell, Weyerhaeuser and Alcan may have had moral leaders in the
boardroom, it’s easy to explain their motives in strict business terms.
Everyone in the CSR field, however, is fluent in the notion of the
‘triple bottom line’, a term coined in 1997 by United Kingdom business
consultant John Elkington (
). Elkington argued – and much of the corporate world seems
to agree – that there should be more to a company balance sheet than a
profit number. There is also an environmental bottom line that tallies
a company’s negative impact in balance with its remediation efforts,
and a social bottom line that considers everything from how a company
treats its employees to how its operations affect the neighbors.
Earth Charter (PDF brochure, 4 pages. Please read this
brochure for understanding; I am not asking you to memorize it, of
course -- but I may ask some general questions relating to this charter
on the final exam)
document, printable version, English
document, printable version, in Arabic
Charter, Link: