Chytrid Fungus and Juvenilles

Not many juvenile frogs have the Chytrid Fungus. There is virtually no chance of a tadpole infected with the Chytrid Fungus surviving through metamorphosis, so the only way a juvenile can be infected is through contact with other infected frogs or throught the water. Becoming infected through the water is also not as usual as tadpoles because juvenile frogs don't spend as much time in the water as tadpoles do. It has been documented in laboratory research and field studies that all tadpoles die within the first few weeks of metamorphosis, mainly the first 10 days. Uninfected juveniles that have already been through metamorphosis still have a chance of infection through aquatic zoospores or contact with another infected frog. Once the Chytrid Fungus attaches to the keratin in a sub-adults body it takes about ten days for the fungus to kill the frog.

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