Western Carolina University

Cherokee 132 | Unit 9: Possession


Practice:  Clothing Game.

The teacher will tell you to draw six items of clothing.  Draw the clothing on a piece of scrap paper.  The teacher will tell you to tear out the pieces of clothing.  Tear out the clothing.  Now, get in small groups and mix the all the clothing pictures together.  Take turns pulling the clothing out of the mix and asking each other whose clothing it is.  Continue until all the clothes have been returned to their owners.

Listen to the dialog.


Kag iyusdi ahnawo utseli'i?

Whose shirt is this?





Gesdi yagwatseli ahnawo.

It's not my shirt.





Ahnawo-sg tsatseli'i?

Is it your shirt?





Vv.  Hi'a ahnawo agwatseli'i.

Yes.  It's my shirt.


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