Monetary Policy
Regimes in Macroeconomic Data:
an Application of Fractal Analysis
Robert F. Mulligan, Ph.D.
Department of Business Computer Information
Systems & Economics
Phone: 828-227-3329
Fax: 828-227-7414
Roger Koppl
Robert F. Mulligan is associate professor of economics in
the Department of Business Computer Information Systems and Economics at
Western Carolina University College of Business and a research associate of the
State University of New York at
paper examines macromonetary data for behavioral
stability over Alan Greenspan's tenure as chairman of the Federal Reserve
System. Five self-affine fractal
analysis techniques for estimating the
This paper
examines the distribution of changes in a vector of macromonetary
data. Statistical tests focusing on five
alternative methods for estimating
The paper is organized as follows. A literature review is provided in the second section. The data are documented in the third section. Methodology and results are presented in the fourth and fifth sections. The conclusions are provided in the sixth section. Additionally, the glossary and appendix have been prepared to assist the reader in understanding the uniqueness of the specialized statistical language used in this paper.
(1972a, 1975, 1977) and Mandelbrot and Wallis's (1969) R/S or rescaled range
analysis characterizes time series as one of four types: 1.) dependent or autocorrelated series, 2.) persistent, trend-reinforcing
series, also called biased random walks, random walks with drift, or fractional
Brownian motion, 3.) random walks, or
4.) anti-persistent, ergodic, or mean-reverting
series. Mandelbrot-Lévy
distributions are a general class of probability distributions derived from the
generalized central limit theorem, and include the normal or Gaussian and
Cauchy as limiting cases (Lévy 1925; Gnedenko and Kolmolgorov
1954). They are also referred to as
stable, Lévy-stable, L-stable, stable-Paretian, and Pareto-Lévy. Samuelson (1982) popularized the term
Mandelbrot-Lévy, but Mandelbrot avoids this
expression, perhaps out of modesty, and the other terms remain current. The reciprocal of the Mandelbrot-Lévy
characteristic exponent alpha is the
1 about here>>
Literature review
The search for long memory in capital markets has been a fixture in the literature applying fractal geometry and chaos theory to economics since Mandelbrot (1963b) shifted his attention from income distribution to speculative prices. Fractal analysis has been applied extensively to equities (Green and Fielitz 1977; Lo 1991; Barkoulas and Baum 1996; Peters 1994, 1996; Koppl et al 1997; Kraemer and Runde1997; Barkoulas and Travlos 1998; Koppl and Nardone 2001; Mulligan 2004, and Mulligan and Lombardo 2003) interest rates (Duan and Jacobs 1996; and Barkoulas and Baum 1997a, 1997b), commodities (Barkoulas, Baum, and Ogutz 1998), exchange rates (Cheung 1993; Byers and Peel 1996; Koppl and Yeager 1996; Barkoulas and Baum 1997c; Chou and Shih 1997; Andersen and Bollerslev 1997; Koppl and Broussard 1999, and Mulligan 2000a), and derivatives (Fang, Lai, and Lai 1994; Barcoulas, Labys, and Onochie 1997; and Corazza, Malliaris, and Nardelli 1997). Fractal analysis has also been applied to income distribution (Mandelbrot 1963a) and macroeconomic data (Peters 1994, 1996).
Gilanshah and Koppl (2001) advance the thesis that postwar money demand and monetary policy behavior were mostly stable from 1945-1970, but that instability emerged during the seventies as the Federal Reserve System adopted more activist policies and procedures. The present study contrasts the earlier and later years of Alan Greenspan’s tenure as Chairman for evidence of a switch from non-discretionary, non-activist monetary policy to more discretionary, more activist behavior. If it is the case that the Federal Reserve System switched from being a passive to an active market player after December 1996, the influence of this one “big player” would be to reduce the stability of money demand, as the many smaller players attempt to react to, as well as anticipate, big player moves. The smaller players behavior should exhibit herding if it is difficult to anticipate or observe big player behavior, or if that behavior changes abruptly at the big player’s discretion, and if it is relatively easy to observe behavior of other small players. If the Federal Reserve System is a big player acting in accordance with discretion as opposed to rules, the many little players would not appear to be following any coherent behavior, even if little players developed and followed consistent and rational strategic responses. Even if the little players respond according to set rules, because the big player acts unpredictably through discretion, the little players’ behavior seems incoherent. If this reading is correct, the instability in money demand is not a statistical artifact of specification error, and cannot be removed by adding variables to conventional money demand models.
Big players induce herding in money demand. Gilanshah and Koppl (2001) found that Federal Reserve System policy grew more discretionary after 1970, and that the increase in big player influence reduced the stability of money demand. As the Federal Reserve System began to adopt more activist policy measures during the 1970s, estimates generated by standard money demand specifications began to show sizable prediction errors. If activist monetary policy does indeed impose instability, this implies that the Federal Reserve System should abandon discretion and pursue money supply targets according to fixed rules. This implication runs counter to a prevailing inference presented in the literature on money demand instability. Mishkin’s (1995:572) view is representative: “because the money demand function has become unstable, velocity is now harder to predict, and setting rigid money supply targets in order to control aggregate spending in the economy may not be an effective way to conduct monetary policy.” But as Gilanshah and Koppl (2001) argue, since the money demand instability results from Federal Reserve activism, the situation calls for less discretion, not more. In their view, one mechanism introducing herding or bandwagon effects in money demand is cash managers’ attempts to enhance their reputations, which enhances their job security and earning potential. Cash managers seek to enhance their reputations in a manner similar to, and for the same reasons as, portfolio managers (Scharfstein and Stein 1990). Cash managers achieve and maintain reputation through conformity with industry practice, a global criterion, and through conduct appropriate to the unique circumstances of their business enterprise, a local criterion. Pursuit of the global criterion imposes herding behavior or bandwagon effects. If cash managers act as others do and things go well, their reputation is assured. If they act as others do and things go badly, the blame is shared throughout the profession. If cash managers defy prevailing practice in their profession and things go badly, their reputation is ruined. Sharfstein and Stein (1990:466) call this incentive to imitate standard practices the “sharing-the-blame effect.”
If, however, cash managers defy prevailing practice and things go well, their reputation is strongly enhanced and they enjoy improved income prospects and job security. This is a powerful counter-incentive to herding. Not all cash managers are constitutionally capable of acting independently of their peers, and some may require the security of the herd. Some cash managers will herd; others will not. Big player conduct affects the fraction that herds. Activist monetary policy impairs the value of local information which could be exploited by the more independent cash managers. Thus discretionary conduct by the monetary authorities promotes herding and introduces more volatility into macromonetary data.
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The data are monthly-observed monetary aggregates, ratios, and multipliers over the 1987-2003 range. Macroeconomic data, specifically output measures and interest rates, are also examined over the same period to determine if their behavior appears significantly driven by the monetary data.
GMB is the logarithmic first difference of the monetary base.
GIIP is the first difference of the index of industrial production.
GC is the logarithmic first difference of real consumable output, which in turn is 100 times personal consumption expenditures divided by its deflator.
GP is the first difference of the personal consumption expenditures deflator.
GMM3 is the logarithmic first difference of the M3 monetary multiplier.
GERR is the first difference of the effective reserve requirement.
GCDD is the first difference of the currency-to-demand-deposit ratio.
GTDD is the first difference of the time-deposit-to-demand-deposit ratio.
GEDD is the first difference of the excess-reserve-to-demand-deposit ratio.
GI10Y is the first difference of the ten-year constant maturity government security interest rate.
GI3MO is the first difference of the three-month secondary market treasury bill interest rate.
GR is the first difference of the term spread, the ten-year constant maturity rate minus the three-month secondary market rate.
Time series which were already represented as interest rates, percentages, or ratios, were simply first differenced without taking logarithms. Table 2 presents descriptive statistics for the differenced series.
Long memory series exhibit non-periodic long cycles, or persistent dependence between observations far apart in time; i.e., observable patterns which tend to repeat. Long memory or persistent series tend to reverse themselves less often than a purely random series. Thus, they display a trend, and are also called black noise, in contrast to purely random white noise. Persistent series have long memory in that events are correlated over long time periods. In contrast, short-term dependent time series include standard autoregressive moving average and Markov processes, and have the property that observations far apart exhibit little or no statistical dependence. R/S or rescaled range analysis distinguishes random from non-random or deterministic series. The rescaled range is the range divided (rescaled) by the standard deviation. Seemingly random time series may be deterministic chaos, fractional Brownian motion (FBM), or a mixture of random and non-random components.
Conventional statistical techniques lack power to distinguish unpredictable random components from highly predictable deterministic components. R/S analysis evolved to address this difficulty. R/S analysis exploits the structure of dependence in time series irrespective of their marginal distributions, statistically identifying non-periodic cyclic long run dependence as distinguished from short dependence or Markov character and periodic variation (Mandelbot 1972a: 259-260). The difference between long-memory processes, also called non-periodic long cycles, and short-term dependence, is that each observation in long memory processes has a persistent effect, on average, on all subsequent observations, up to some horizon after which memory is lost, whereas in contrast, short-term dependent processes display little or no memory of the past, and what short-term dependence can be observed often diminishes with the square of the time elapsed. For equity prices, long memory can be observed when a stock follows a trend or repeats a cyclical movement, even though the cycles can have time-varying frequencies. Short-term dependence is indicated when there are no observable trends or patterns beyond a very short time span, and the impact of any outliers or extreme values diminishes rapidly over time.
Mandelbrot (1963a, 1963b) demonstrated all
stationary series can be categorized in accordance with their
Many macromonetary series are anti-persistent or ergodic, mean-reverting, or pink noise processes
with (0.00 < H < 0.50), indicating they are more volatile than a random
walk. Pink noise processes are used to
model dynamic turbulence. Ergodic or antipersistent
processes reverse themselves more often than purely random series. Ergodicity, that
is, H significantly below 0.50, indicate policy makers persistently over-react
to new information, imposing more macroeconomic volatility than would maintain
in the absence of policy, and never learn not to over-react. This observed phenomenon is directly
analogous to Mussa's (1984) disequilibrium
overshooting, in which the market process of adjustment toward final equilbrium is unstable, and never quiets down. Hs significantly above 0.50 demonstrate
macroeconomic data series are not random walks.
<<Table 3 about here>>
This section
discusses and interprets the results of five alternative fractal analysis
methods for measuring the
Five techniques
for estimating the
1.) Rescaled-range or R/S analysis: R/S analysis is the traditional technique introduced by Mandelbrot (1972a). Hs estimated by this method are generally far from 0.50, suggesting non-Gaussian processes. The difference between estimated Hs and 0.50 is statistically significant over the whole sample range and both subsamples for each series examined. Hs are always below 0.50, indicating ergodicity or antipersistence, e.g., negative serial correlation meaning the data processes persistently overcorrect. This measurable antipersistence or ergodicity demonstrates policy makers habitually overreact to new information, and never learn not to.
Hs different from 0.50 demonstrate the data series have not been random walks, nevertheless, this finding may be due to short-term dependence still present after taking AR1 residuals, or systematic bias due to information asymmetries, or both.
2.) Power spectral density analysis: Power spectral density analysis could only obtain estimates of H for the whole 1989-2003 sample period. Hs estimated by this technique also fall in the persistent range (H < 0.50), except for the consumption price deflator (GP) and the excess-reserve-to-demand-deposit ratio (GEDD). Note these results often flatly contradict those provided by other techniques. Spectral density often provides very large standard errors for H, and thus formal hypothesis tests are generally biased against rejecting the null. However, the standard errors of the Hs of GP and GEDD are quite low, supporting the conclusion that they are normally-distributed, white-noise processes.
3.) Roughness-length relationship method: Formal hypothesis tests reject the Gaussian null for all series, and all Hs are significantly less than 0.50, indicating antipersistence.
4.) Variogram analysis: Variogram analysis supports antipersistence for all series.
5.) Wavelet analysis: This method was developed by Daubechies (1990), Beylkin (1992), and Coifman et al (1992). Wavelet H estimates indicate antipersistence or ergodicity (H < 0.50) for the index of industrial production (GIIP) (whole and early samples), the M3 money multiplier (GMM3) (both subsamples, but not over the whole sample range), the effective required reserve ratio (GERR) (late sample only), the currency-to-demand-deposit ratio (GCDD) (early sample only), the excess-reserve-to-demand-deposit ratio (GEDD) (all ranges), the ten-year government security rate (GI10Y) (whole and early samples), the three-month treasury bill secondary market rate (GI3MO) (all ranges), and the term spread (GR) (all ranges), indicating persistence (H > 0.50), or in some cases normality, elsewhere. Because wavelet analysis does not provide a standard error for H, formal hypothesis tests cannot be constructed.
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Hypothesis tests are constructed to test for 1.) the Gaussian character or normality of the underlying time series, 2.) Cauchy-character, and 3.) changes in the behavior of the distribution between 1987-1996 and 1997-2003:
1.) Tests of Gaussian character or normality: Table 4 presents t-statistics for tests of
the null hypothesis H = 0.50, along with two-tail probability levels. T-statistics are computed as 0.50 minus the
2.) Tests of Cauchy character: the Mandelbrot-Lévy characteristic exponent test: Various statistics are available to test
the null hypothesis of normality, but not for the Cauchy distribution, the
other extreme. The Mandelbrot-Lévy characteristic exponent alpha is computed as the
reciprocal of the
For the 1987-1996 subsample, the sample size is 113, and interpolated critical alphas are: 1%, 0.420; 5%, 0.568; 10%, 0.641; 90%, 1.247; 95%, 1.342; 99%, 1.607. Only wavelet estimated alphas approach the critical range. Over this earlier subsample, the index of industrial production and the time-deposit-to-demand-deposit ratio fail to reject the Cauchy null at the 1% significance level (one tail). The effective reserve requirement fails to reject the Cauchy null at all conventional significance levels.
the 1997-2003 subsample, the
sample size is 75, and interpolated critical alphas are: 1%, 0.332; 5%, 0.510;
10%, 0.590; 90%, 1.293; 95%, 1.438; 99%, 1.800.
Again, only wavelet estimated alphas approach the critical range. Over the later subsample,
real consumable output, the currency-to-demand-deposit ratio, and the
time-deposit-to-demand-deposit ratio fail to reject the null hypothesis at all
conventional significance levels.
<<Table 5 about here>>
3.) Tests of structural change: Table 5 presents t-statistics testing for significant differences among Hs estimated over the whole sample range and the two subsamples, referred to a ranges A, B, and C. The first null hypothesis tested for each equity is that the Hs for the two subsamples are equal (B=C), with degrees of freedom equal to the sum of sample average R/Ss in the two regressions estimating H for each subsample (4 + 3 = 7). The second and third null hypotheses are that the H for each subsample is equal to the H estimated over the whole sample (A=B and A=C) with degrees of freedom equal to the number of R/Ss in the whole-sample regression (9), because the standard error of the whole sample H is treated as the pooled standard error.
Although not every test indicates a break or change in structural behavior, the number that do is so overwhelming (32 tests indicating rejection of the hypothesis of stable Hs across subsamples at the 1% significance level, out of 36 tests) it is difficult to avoid the conclusion of a fairly sharp break, here indicating a drastic change in the statistical behavior and distributions of the data processes examined.
With time series that may be fractional Gaussian noise, that is, apparently random combinations of otherwise statistically well-behaved processes scrambled together with periodically-changing parameters and characteristics, it is not strictly correct to infer structural change in the conventional sense. For example, a random scrambling of several different finite-variance processes can result in an infinite-variance process over a larger sample range. The finding that H is not constant over two subsamples and the whole sample range is wholly consistent with a stable fractal process, but more importantly, it points to some difference in fundamentals, or at least in behavior of the variable studied, from one period to the other.
The logarithmic
differences of macroeconomic data for a stable and growing economy should have
A possible scenario that renders this finding more intuitive is that information relevant to a nation's macroeconomic performance arrives frequently and seemingly at random. Policy makers habitually ignore the vast majority of this information, because the vast majority is unimportant or irrelevant, until it accumulates a critical mass they must finally recognize. Then, perceiving they have ignored a body of relevant information which they have allowed to accumulate, they attempt to compensate for their history of informational sloth by overreacting. The expression "informational sloth" can just as validly be characterized as "filtering out noise."
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Glossary of
Fractal Analysis Terms |
Antipersistence –
a series that reverses itself more often than a purely random series, also
called pink noise, ergodicity, 1/f noise, or
negative serial correlation. (Peters 1994: 306). |
Black noise – a series that reverses itself less
often than a purely random series, displaying trends or repetitive patterns
over time, also called persistence, positive serial correlation, or
autocorrelation. (Peters 1994: 183-187). |
Brown noise – the cumulative sum of a
normally-distributed random variable, also called Brownian motion. (Peters
1994: 183-185; Osborne 1959). |
Efficient Market Hypothesis – the proposition that market prices fully and correctly reflect all relevant information. A market is described as efficient with respect to an information set if prices do not change when the information is revealed to all market participants. There are three levels of market efficiency: weak, semi-strong, and strong. (Fama et al 1969; Malkiel 1987). |
Long memory – the property that any value a series takes on generally has a long and persistent effect, e.g., extreme values that repeat at fairly regular intervals. (Peters 1994: 274). |
Multifractal Model of Asset Returns (MMAR) – a very general model of asset pricing behavior allowing for long-memory and fat-tailed distributions. Instead of infinite-variance distributions such as the Mandelbrot-Lévy and Cauchy distributions, the MMAR relies on fractional combinations of random variables with non-constant mean and variance, providing many of the properties of infinite-variance distributions. (Mandelbrot, Fisher, and Calvet 1997). |
Non-periodic long cycles - a characteristic of long-memory processes, i.e., of statistical processes where each value has a long and persistent impact on values that follow it, that identifiable patterns tend to repeat over similar, though irregular, cycles (non-periodic cycles.) Also called the Joseph effect. (Peters 1994: 266). |
Non-stationarity – the property that a series has a systematically varying mean and variance. Any series with a trend, e.g., U.S. GDP, has a growing mean and therefore is non-stationary. Brown-noise processes are non-stationary, but white-noise processes are stationary. (Granger 1989: 58). |
Persistence or persistent dependence – a series that reverses itself less often than a purely random series, and thus tends to display a trend, also called black noise. Persistent series have long memory in that events are correlated over long time periods, and thus display non-periodic long cycles. (Peters 1994: 310). |
Semi-strong-form Market Efficiency – the
intermediate form of the efficient market hypothesis, asserting that market
prices incorporate all publicly available information, including both
historical data on the prices in question, and any other relevant,
publicly-available data, and thus it is impossible for any market participant
to gain advantage and earn excess profits, in the absence of inside
information. (Peters 1994: 308). |
Short-term dependence - the property that any value
a series takes on generally has a transient effect, e.g., extreme values bias
the series for a certain number of observations that follow. Eventually, however, all memory of the
extreme event is lost, in contrast to long-memory or the Joseph effect. Special cases include Markov processes and
serial correlation. (Peters 1994:
274). |
Spectral density or Power-spectral Density Analysis – a fractal analysis based on the power spectra calculated through the Fourier transform of a series. (Peters 1994: 170-171). |
Stationarity – the property that a series has a constant mean and variance. White, pink, and black-noise processes are all stationary. Because it is the cumulative sum of a white-noise process, a brown-noise process is non-stationary. (Granger 1989: 58). |
Strong-form Market Efficiency – the most restrictive version of the efficient market hypothesis, asserting that all information known to any one market participant is fully reflected in the price, and thus insider information provides no speculative advantage and cannot offer above average returns. (Malkiel 1987: 120). |
Weak-form Market Efficiency – the least restrictive version of the efficient market hypothesis, asserting that current prices fully reflect the historical sequence of past prices. One implication is that investors cannot obtain above-average returns through analyzing patterns in historical data, i.e., through technical analysis. Also referred to as the Random Walk Hypothesis. One common way of testing for weak-form efficiency is to test price series for normality, however, normality is a sufficient rather than a necessary condition. (Malkiel 1987: 120). |
White noise – a perfectly random process exhibiting no serial dependence. Normal processes meet this requirement, and normality is often conflated with white noise. Normality is a sufficient condition rather than a necessary condition for white noise. (Peters 1994: 312). |
Table 1 Fractal Taxonomy of Time Series |
Term |
'Color' |
Fractal dimension |
Characteristic exponent |
Antipersistent, Ergodic, Mean-reverting, Negative serial correlation, 1/f noise |
Pink noise |
0 ≤ H < ½ |
0 ≤ D < 1.50 |
2.00 ≤ alpha < ∞ |
Gaussian process, Normal distribution |
White noise |
H º ½ |
D º 1.50 |
alpha º 2.00 |
Brownian motion, Wiener process |
Brown noise |
H º ½ |
D º 1.50 |
alpha º 2.00 |
Persistent, Trend-reinforcing, Hurst process |
Black noise |
½ < H < 1 |
1 < D < 1.50 |
1.00 < alpha < 2.00 |
Cauchy process, Cauchy distribution |
Cauchy noise |
H º 1 |
D º 1 |
alpha º 1 |
Note: Brown noise or Brownian motion is the cumulative sum of a normally-distributed white-noise process. The changes in, or returns on, a Brownian motion, are white noise. The fractal statistics are the same for Brown and white noise because the brown-noise process should be differenced as part of the estimation process, yielding white noise. |
Table 2 Macromonetary Data Series Descriptive Statistics |
Underlying variable |
Rubric |
Mean |
Median |
Standard Deviation |
Sample Variance |
Kurtosis |
Skewness |
ln Monetary Base |
0.000968 |
0.000987 |
0.001388 |
1.93E-06 |
7.824068 |
-0.18583 |
Index of Industrial Production |
0.198729 |
0.26 |
0.477671 |
0.22817 |
0.160655 |
-0.08616 |
ln Real Consumable Output |
GC |
0.000302 |
0.000271 |
0.000506 |
2.56E-07 |
0.891277 |
0.379863 |
Consumption Price Index |
GP |
35.00091 |
0.2 |
477.1887 |
227709.1 |
188 |
13.71131 |
M3 Money Multiplier |
GMM3 |
-0.00042 |
-0.00054 |
0.003371 |
1.14E-05 |
6.794751 |
1.14446 |
Effective Reserve Requirement |
-6.9E-05 |
-3.2E-05 |
0.000429 |
1.84E-07 |
8.645952 |
-1.7519 |
Currency-to-Demand-Deposit Ratio |
0.006258 |
0.002839 |
0.019836 |
0.000393 |
0.902251 |
0.347443 |
Time-Deposit-to-Demand-Deposit Ratio |
0.003564 |
0.001313 |
0.022226 |
0.000494 |
-0.12213 |
0.136709 |
Excess-Reserve-to-Demand-Deposit Ratio |
0.082139 |
0.015298 |
1.005744 |
1.011522 |
176.6499 |
13.08789 |
10 year T-bond |
GI10Y |
-0.00354 |
-0.00821 |
0.037183 |
0.001383 |
-0.14438 |
0.235176 |
3 month T-bill |
-0.00728 |
-0.00399 |
0.049516 |
0.002452 |
3.772713 |
-1.1582 |
Term spread |
GR |
0.126294 |
-0.0047 |
1.593287 |
2.538563 |
159.8713 |
12.08197 |
Note: All raw time series are converted to logarithmic returns or simple first differences, thus rendering them stationary. |
Table 3 Fractal Analyses of Macromonetary Data Processes Estimated Hurst Exponent H, Various Methods (Standard Errors in Parentheses) |
Firm |
Range |
R/S |
Power Spectrum |
Roughness-length |
Variogram |
Wavelet |
1987:08-2003:03 |
-0.091 (0.0154) |
-0.0495 (5.372) |
-0.043 (0.0018) |
-0.001 (0.1645) |
0.651 |
1987:08-1996:12 |
-0.097 (0.0051) |
0.611 |
1997:01-2003:03 |
0.234 (0.0001) |
0.541 |
1987:08-2003:03 |
0.095 (0.0136) |
-0.203 (3.511) |
0.032 (0.0016) |
0.066 (0.0219) |
0.179 |
1987:08-1996:12 |
-0.030 (0.0025) |
0.647 |
1997:01-2003:03 |
0.000 (0.0041) |
0.166 |
GC |
1987:08-2003:03 |
0.038 (0.0028) |
-0.204 (9.2004) |
-0.096 (0.0001) |
-0.028 (0.0218) |
0.875 |
1987:08-1996:12 |
-0.042 (0.0033) |
0.600 |
1997:01-2003:03 |
-0.026 (0.0004) |
0.890 |
GP |
1987:08-2003:03 |
0.117 (0.0094) |
0.500 (0.0000009) |
-0.185 (0.0002) |
0.017 (0.0004) |
0.431 |
1987:08-1996:12 |
-0.020 (0.0003) |
0.584 |
1997:01-2003:03 |
-0.071 (0.0008) |
0.431 |
GMM3 |
1987:08-2003:03 |
0.011 (0.0106) |
0.292 (5.3671) |
-0.074 (0.0015) |
0.031 (0.0946) |
0.658 |
1987:08-1996:12 |
-0.008 (0.0030) |
0.349 |
1997:01-2003:03 |
0.078 (0.0015) |
0.421 |
1987:08-2003:03 |
0.069 (0.00934) |
-0.442 (3.3994) |
0.031 (0.0001) |
-0.006 (0.0684) |
0.833 |
1987:08-1996:12 |
0.077 (0.0077) |
0.861 |
1997:01-2003:03 |
-0.188 (0.0005) |
0.388 |
1987:08-2003:03 |
-0.073 (0.0067) |
-0.475 (12.4782) |
-0.099 (0.0005) |
-0.041 (0.3649) |
0.857 |
1987:08-1996:12 |
-0.101 (0.0031) |
0.364 |
1997:01-2003:03 |
-0.218 (0.0002) |
0.945 |
1987:08-2003:03 |
-0.076 (0.0104) |
-0.442 (21.1959) |
-0.094 (0.0004) |
-0.038 (0.3892) |
0.778 |
1987:08-1996:12 |
-0.136 (0.0042) |
0.732 |
1997:01-2003:03 |
-0.206 (0.0015) |
0.802 |
1987:08-2003:03 |
0.116 (0.0072) |
0.456 (0.0702) |
-1.320 (0.0459) |
0.010 (0.0025) |
0.135 |
1987:08-1996:12 |
0.237 (0.0015) |
0.306 |
1997:01-2003:03 |
0.001 (0.0051) |
0.332 |
GI10Y |
1987:08-2003:03 |
0.120 (0.0064) |
0.426 (9.1405) |
0.051 (0.0001) |
0.037 (0.0416) |
0.048 |
1987:08-1996:12 |
-0.064 (0.0029) |
0.126 |
1997:01-2003:03 |
0.020 (0.0006) |
0.546 |
1987:08-2003:03 |
0.179 (0.0091) |
-0.224 (4.2599) |
0.066 (0.0001) |
0.083 (0.0217) |
0.327 |
1987:08-1996:12 |
0.117 (0.0007) |
0.258 |
1997:01-2003:03 |
0.214 (0.0001) |
0.325 |
GR |
1987:08-2003:03 |
0.253 (0.0047) |
-0.476 (0.6939) |
0.205 (0.0010) |
0.026 (0.0058) |
0.327 |
1987:08-1996:12 |
0.277 (0.0083) |
0.185 |
1997:01-2003:03 |
0.214 (0.0001) |
0.329 |
Note: The
Mandelbrot-Lévy characteristic exponent alpha is
the reciprocal of the |
Table 4 Hypothesis Tests for Normality or Gaussian Character (H = 0.50) |
Process |
Range |
d.f. |
Mandelbrot-Lévy R/S |
Jarque-Bera test |
R/S |
SE(R/S) |
t(R/S) |
prob(t) |
JB |
prob(JB) |
1987-2003 |
9 |
-0.091 |
0.0154 |
38.377 |
0.00000 |
451.827 |
0.00000 |
1987-1996 |
4 |
-0.097 |
0.0051 |
117.059 |
0.00000 |
1.727 |
0.42158 |
1997-2003 |
3 |
0.234 |
0.0001 |
2660.000 |
0.00000 |
282.706 |
0.00000 |
1987-2003 |
9 |
0.095 |
0.0136 |
29.779 |
0.00000 |
0.351 |
0.83919 |
1987-1996 |
4 |
-0.030 |
0.0025 |
212.000 |
0.00000 |
0.878 |
0.64472 |
1997-2003 |
3 |
0.000 |
0.0041 |
121.951 |
0.00000 |
0.240 |
0.88711 |
GC |
1987-2003 |
9 |
0.038 |
0.0028 |
165.000 |
0.00000 |
9.924 |
0.00700 |
1987-1996 |
4 |
-0.042 |
0.0033 |
164.242 |
0.00000 |
1.020 |
0.60053 |
1997-2003 |
3 |
-0.026 |
0.0004 |
1315.000 |
0.00000 |
23.095 |
0.00001 |
GP |
1987-2003 |
9 |
0.117 |
0.0094 |
40.745 |
0.00000 |
268,142.6 |
0.00000 |
1987-1996 |
4 |
-0.020 |
0.0003 |
1733.333 |
0.00000 |
8.947 |
0.01141 |
1997-2003 |
3 |
-0.071 |
0.0008 |
713.750 |
0.00000 |
16,218.58 |
0.00000 |
GMM3 |
1987-2003 |
9 |
0.011 |
0.0106 |
46.132 |
0.00000 |
379.916 |
0.00000 |
1987-1996 |
4 |
-0.008 |
0.0030 |
169.333 |
0.00000 |
2.731 |
0.25519 |
1997-2003 |
3 |
0.078 |
0.0015 |
281.333 |
0.00000 |
131.877 |
0.00000 |
1987-2003 |
9 |
0.069 |
0.0093 |
46.344 |
0.00000 |
645.510 |
0.00000 |
1987-1996 |
4 |
0.077 |
0.0077 |
54.935 |
0.00000 |
460.666 |
0.00000 |
1997-2003 |
3 |
-0.188 |
0.0005 |
1376.000 |
0.00000 |
9.768 |
0.00757 |
1987-2003 |
9 |
-0.073 |
0.0067 |
85.522 |
0.00000 |
9.338 |
0.00938 |
1987-1996 |
4 |
-0.101 |
0.0031 |
193.871 |
0.00000 |
13.159 |
0.00139 |
1997-2003 |
3 |
-0.218 |
0.0002 |
3590.000 |
0.00000 |
2.699 |
0.25937 |
1987-2003 |
9 |
-0.076 |
0.0104 |
55.385 |
0.00000 |
0.754 |
0.68590 |
1987-1996 |
4 |
-0.136 |
0.0042 |
151.429 |
0.00000 |
4.094 |
0.12913 |
1997-2003 |
3 |
-0.206 |
0.0015 |
470.667 |
0.00000 |
2.193 |
0.33408 |
1987-2003 |
9 |
0.116 |
0.0072 |
53.333 |
0.00000 |
236,901.3 |
0.00000 |
1987-1996 |
4 |
0.237 |
0.0015 |
175.333 |
0.00000 |
29.563 |
0.00000 |
1997-2003 |
3 |
0.001 |
0.0051 |
97.843 |
0.00000 |
15,364.48 |
0.00000 |
GI10Y |
1987-2003 |
9 |
0.120 |
0.0064 |
59.375 |
0.00000 |
1.938 |
0.37947 |
1987-1996 |
4 |
-0.064 |
0.0029 |
194.483 |
0.00000 |
1.799 |
0.40673 |
1997-2003 |
3 |
0.020 |
0.0006 |
800.000 |
0.00000 |
1.007 |
0.60434 |
1987-2003 |
9 |
0.179 |
0.0091 |
35.275 |
0.00000 |
145.229 |
0.00000 |
1987-1996 |
4 |
0.117 |
0.0007 |
547.143 |
0.00000 |
2.116 |
0.34710 |
1997-2003 |
3 |
0.214 |
0.0001 |
2860.000 |
0.00000 |
55.135 |
0.00000 |
GR |
1987-2003 |
9 |
0.253 |
0.0047 |
52.553 |
0.00000 |
194,203.4 |
0.00000 |
1987-1996 |
4 |
0.277 |
0.0083 |
26.867 |
0.00001 |
1,496.471 |
0.00000 |
1997-2003 |
3 |
0.214 |
0.0001 |
2860.000 |
0.00000 |
12,463.68 |
0.00000 |
Note: Hs
computed by R/S are used for conventional hypothesis tests where the null
hypothesis is H = 0.500, (i.e., equivalently alpha = 2, D = 1.500, or
normality of the asset returns). Three
independent hypothesis tests are performed for each time series. The |
Table 5 Hypothesis Tests for Structural Stability |
Series |
Null |
d.f. |
t(R/S) |
prob(t) |
B=C |
7 |
21.494 |
*** 0.00000 |
A=B |
9 |
0.390 |
0.70588 |
A=C |
9 |
21.104 |
*** 0.00000 |
B=C |
7 |
2.206 |
* 0.06318 |
A=B |
9 |
9.191 |
*** 0.00001 |
A=C |
9 |
6.985 |
*** 0.00006 |
GC |
B=C |
7 |
5.714 |
*** 0.00072 |
A=B |
9 |
28.571 |
*** 0.00000 |
A=C |
9 |
22.857 |
*** 0.00000 |
GP |
B=C |
7 |
5.426 |
*** 0.00098 |
A=B |
9 |
14.574 |
*** 0.00000 |
A=C |
9 |
20.000 |
*** 0.00000 |
GMM3 |
B=C |
7 |
8.113 |
*** 0.00008 |
A=B |
9 |
1.792 |
0.10666 |
A=C |
9 |
6.321 |
*** 0.00014 |
B=C |
7 |
28.495 |
*** 0.00000 |
A=B |
9 |
0.860 |
0.41200 |
A=C |
9 |
27.634 |
*** 0.00000 |
B=C |
7 |
17.463 |
*** 0.00000 |
A=B |
9 |
4.179 |
*** 0.00238 |
A=C |
9 |
21.642 |
*** 0.00000 |
B=C |
7 |
6.731 |
*** 0.00027 |
A=B |
9 |
5.769 |
*** 0.00027 |
A=C |
9 |
12.500 |
*** 0.00000 |
B=C |
7 |
32.778 |
*** 0.00000 |
A=B |
9 |
16.806 |
*** 0.00000 |
A=C |
9 |
15.972 |
*** 0.00000 |
GI10Y |
B=C |
7 |
13.125 |
*** 0.00000 |
A=B |
9 |
28.750 |
*** 0.00000 |
A=C |
9 |
15.625 |
*** 0.00000 |
B=C |
7 |
10.659 |
*** 0.00001 |
A=B |
9 |
6.813 |
*** 0.00008 |
A=C |
9 |
3.846 |
*** 0.00393 |
GR |
B=C |
7 |
13.404 |
*** 0.00000 |
A=B |
9 |
5.106 |
*** 0.00064 |
A=C |
9 |
8.298 |
*** 0.00002 |
Note: Three
independent hypothesis tests are performed for each time series. The |
Statistical methodology
Rescaled-range or R/S analysis: R/S analysis is the conventional method introduced by Mandelbrot (1972a). Time series are classified according to the estimated value of the Hurst exponent H, which is defined from the relationship
= anH
where R is the average range of all subsamples of size n, S is the average standard deviation for all samples of size n, a is a scaling variable, and n is the size of the subsamples, which is allowed to range from an arbitrarily small value to the largest subsample the data will allow. Putting this expression in logarithms yields
log(R/S) = log(a) + H log(n)
which is used to estimate H as a regression slope. Standard errors are given in parentheses. H ranges from 1.00 to 0.50 for persistent series, is exactly equal to 0.50 for random walks, ranges from zero to 0.50 for anti-persistent series, and is greater than one for a persistent or autocorrelated series. Mandelbrot, Fisher, and Calvet (1997) refer to H as the self-affinity index or scaling exponent.
Power spectral density analysis: This method uses the properties of power spectra of self-affine traces, calculating the power spectrum P(k) where k = 2p/l is the wavenumber, and l is the wavelength, and plotting the logarithm of P(k) versus log(k), after applying a symmetric taper function which transforms the data smoothly to zero at both ends. If the series is self-affine, this plot follows a straight line with a negative slope –b, which is estimated by regression and reported as beta, along with its standard error. This coefficient is related to the fractal dimension by: D = (5 - beta)/2. H and alpha are computed as H = 2 – D, and alpha = 1/H. Power spectral density is the most common technique used to obtain the fractal dimension in the literature, although it is also highly problematic due to spectral leakage.
Roughness-length relationship method: This method is similar to R/S, substituting the root-mean-square (RMS) roughness s(w) and window size w for the standard deviation and range. Then H is computed by regression from a logarithmic form of the relationship s(w) = wH. As noted above, the roughness-length method provides standard errors so low the null hypothesis of H = 0.500 is nearly always rejected no matter how nearly normal the asset returns.
analysis: The variogram, also known as variance of the increments, or
structure function, is defined as the expected value of the squared difference
between two y values in a series separated by a distance w. In other words, the sample variogram V(w) of a series y(x) is
measured as: V(w) = [y(x) – y(x+w)]2, thus V(w) is the average value of the
squared difference between pairs of points at distance w . The distance of
separation w is also referred to as the lag.
Wavelet analysis: Wavelet analysis exploits localized variations in power by decomposing a series into time frequency space to determine both the dominant modes of variability and how those modes vary in time. This method is appropriate for analysis of non-stationary traces such as asset prices, i.e. where the variance does not remain constant with increasing length of the data set. Fractal properties are present where the wavelet power spectrum is a power law function of frequency. The wavelet method is based on the property that wavelet transforms of the self-affine traces also have self-affine properties.
Consider n wavelet
transforms each with a different scaling coefficient ai,
where S1, S2,..., Sn are
the standard deviations from zero of the scaling coefficients ai. Then
define the ratio of the standard deviations G1, G2, ..., Gn-1 as: G1 = S1/S2, G2 = S2/S3,
..., Gn-1 = Sn-1/Sn. Then the average value of Gi
is estimated as Gavg = (Gi)/(n – 1). The estimated
Mandelbrot-Lévy characteristic exponent test: The
Mandelbrot-Lévy distributions are a family of
infinite-variance distributions without explicit analytical expressions, except
for special cases. Limiting
distributions include the normal, with finite variance, and the Cauchy, with
the most extreme platykurtosis or fat tails. Paul Lévy (1925)
developed the theory of these distributions.
f(t) = i(delta)t – (gamma)|t|alpha[1 + i(beta)(sign(t)(tan[(alpha)(pi/2)])],
where delta is the expectation or mean of t if alpha > 1; gamma is a scale parameter; alpha is the characteristic exponent; and i is the square root of -1. Gnedenko and Kolmogorov (1954) showed the sum of n independent and identically distributed Mandelbrot-Lévy variables is:
log f(t) = in(delta)t – n(gamma)|t|alpha[1 + i(beta)(sign(t)(tan[(alpha)(pi/2)])],
and thus the distributions exhibit stability under addition. Many applications of the central limit theorem only demonstrate Mandelbrot-Lévy character. The result of normality generally depends on an unjustified assumption of finite variance. Mandelbrot (1972a) introduced a technique for estimating alpha by regression, further refined by Lo (1991). Mulligan (2000b) estimates the distribution of alpha for Cauchy-distributed random variables. This distribution is used to test estimated alphas for technology equities against the Cauchy null.