chapter SEVEn

Elasticity of Demand and Supply


After completing this chapter, students should be able to

      1.    Define demand and supply and state the laws of demand and supply (review from Chapter 3).

      2.    Determine equilibrium price and quantity from supply and demand graphs and schedules (from Chapter 3).

      3.    Define price elasticity of demand and compute the coefficient of elasticity given appropriate data on prices and quantities.

      4.    Explain the meaning of elastic, inelastic, and unitary price elasticity of demand.

      5.    Recognize graphs of perfectly elastic and perfectly inelastic demand.

      6.    Use the total‑revenue test to determine whether elasticity of demand is elastic, inelastic, or unitary.

      7.    List four major determinants of price elasticity of demand.

      8.    Explain how a change in each of the determinants of price elasticity would affect the elasticity coefficient.

      9.    Define price elasticity of supply and explain how the producer’s ability to shift resources to alternative uses and time affect price elasticity of supply.

  10.    Explain cross elasticity of demand and how it is used to determine substitute or complementary products.

  11.    Define income elasticity and its relationship to normal and inferior goods.

  12.    Define ceiling price and floor price in relationship to the equilibrium price.

  13.    Define and identify the terms and concepts listed at the end of the chapter.

I.          Introduction

A.  Elasticity of demand measures how much the quantity demanded changes with a given change in price of the item, change in consumers’ income, or change in price of related product.

B.   Price elasticity is a concept that also relates to supply.

C.   The chapter explores both elasticity of supply and of demand and applications of the concept.

II.        Price Elasticity of Demand

A.  The law of demand tells us that consumers will respond to a price decrease by buying more of a product (other things remaining constant), but it does not tell us how much more.

B.   The degree of responsiveness or sensitivity of consumers to a change in price is measured by the concept of price elasticity of demand.

1.   If consumers are relatively responsive to price changes, demand is said to be elastic.

2.   If consumers are relatively unresponsive to price changes, demand is said to be inelastic.

3.   Note that with both elastic and inelastic demand, consumers behave according to the law of demand; that is, they are responsive to price changes. The terms elastic or inelastic describe the degree of responsiveness.  A precise definition of what we mean by “responsive” or “unresponsive” follows.

4.   CONSIDER THIS … A Bit of a Stretch

      The Ace bandage stretches a lot when force is applied (elastic); the rubber tie-down (not to be confused with a rubber band) stretches little when force is applied (inelastic).

C.   Price elasticity formula.

      Quantitative measure of elasticity, Ed = percentage change in quantity/percentage change in price.

1.   Using two price-quantity combinations of a demand schedule, calculate the percentage change in quantity by dividing the absolute change in quantity by one of the two original quantities. Then calculate the percentage change in price by dividing the absolute change in price by one of the two original prices.

2.   Estimate the elasticity of this region of the demand schedule by comparing the percentage change in quantity and the percentage change in price.  Do not use the ratio formula at this time.  Emphasize that it is the two percentage changes that are being compared when determining elasticity.

4.   Show that if the other original quantity and price were used as the denominator that the percentage changes would be different.  Explain that a way to deal with this problem is to use the average of the two quantities and the average of the two prices.

5.   Emphasis: The percentages changes are compared, not the absolute changes.

a.   Absolute changes depend on choice of units.  For example, a change in the price of a $10,000 car by $1 and is very different than a change in the price a of $1 can of beer by $1.  The auto’s price is rising by a fraction of a percent while the beer price is rising 100 percent.

b.   Percentages also make it possible to compare elasticities of demand for different products. 

6.   Because of the inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded, the actual elasticity of demand will be a negative number.  However, we ignore the minus sign and use the absolute value of both percentage changes.

7.   If the coefficient of elasticity of demand is a number greater than one, we say demand is elastic; if the coefficient is less than one, we say demand is inelastic. In other words, the quantity demanded is “relatively responsive” when Ed is greater than 1 and “relatively unresponsive” when Ed is less than 1.  A special case is if the coefficient equals one; this is called unit elasticity. 

8.   Note: Inelastic demand does not mean that consumers are completely unresponsive.  This extreme situation called perfectly inelastic demand would be very rare, and the demand curve would be vertical.

9.   Likewise, elastic demand does not mean consumers are completely responsive to a price change.  This extreme situation, in which a small price reduction would cause buyers to increase their purchases from zero to all that it is possible to obtain, is perfectly elastic demand, and the demand curve would be horizontal.

D.  The midpoint formula for elasticity is

      Ed = [(change in Q)/(sum of Qs/2)] divided by [(change in P)/(sum of Ps/2)]

      1.   Have the students calculate each of the percentage changes separately to determine whether the demand is elastic or inelastic.  After the students have determined the type of elasticity, then have them insert the percentage changes into the formula.     

      2.   Students should practice the exercise in Table 20-1. (Key Question 2)

E.   Graphical analysis.

      1.   Illustrate graphically perfectly elastic, relatively elastic, unitary elastic, relative inelastic, and perfectly inelastic.

2.   Using Figure 20-2, explain that elasticity varies over range of prices.

a.   Demand is more elastic in upper left portion of curve (because price is higher and quantity smaller).

b.   Demand is more inelastic in lower right portion of curve (because price is lower and quantity larger).

3.   It is impossible to judge elasticity of a single demand curve by its flatness or steepness, since demand elasticity can measure both as elastic and as inelastic at different points on the same demand curve.

F.   A total-revenue test is the easiest way to judge whether demand is elastic or inelastic.  This test can be used in place of an elasticity formula, unless there is a need to determine the elasticity coefficient.

1.   Elastic demand and the total-revenue test: Demand is elastic if a decrease in price results in a rise in total revenue, or if an increase in price results in a decline in total revenue.  (Price and revenue move in opposite directions).

2.   Inelastic demand and the total-revenue test: Demand is inelastic if a decrease in price results in a fall in total revenue, or an increase in price results in a rise in total revenue.  (Price and revenue move in same direction).

3.   Unit elasticity and the total-revenue test: Demand has unit elasticity if total revenue does not change when the price changes.

4.   The graphical representation of the relationship between total revenue and price elasticity is shown in Figure 20-2.

5.   Table 20-2 provides a summary of the rules and concepts related to elasticity of demand.

G.   There are several determinants of the price elasticity of demand.

1.   Substitutes for the product: Generally, the more substitutes, the more elastic the demand.

2.   The proportion of price relative to income: Generally, the larger the expenditure relative to one’s budget, the more elastic the demand, because buyers notice the change in price more.

3.   Whether the product is a luxury or a necessity: Generally, the less necessary the item, the more elastic the demand.

4.   The amount of time involved: Generally, the longer the time period involved, the more elastic the demand becomes.

H.  Table 20-3 presents some real‑world price elasticities.  Use the determinants discussed to see if the actual elasticities are equivalent to what one would predict.   (Question 9)

I.    There are many practical applications of the price elasticity of demand.

1.   Inelastic demand for agricultural products helps to explain why bumper crops depress the prices and total revenues for farmers.

2.   Governments look at elasticity of demand when levying excise taxes.  Excise taxes on products with inelastic demand will raise the most revenue and have the least impact on quantity demanded for those products.

3.   Demand for cocaine is highly inelastic and presents problems for law enforcement.  Stricter enforcement reduces supply, raises prices and revenues for sellers, and provides more incentives for sellers to remain in business.  Crime may also increase as buyers have to find more money to buy their drugs. 

a.   Opponents of legalization think that occasional users or “dabblers” have a more elastic demand and would increase their use at lower, legal prices.

b.   Removal of the legal prohibitions might make drug use more socially acceptable and shift demand to the right.

4.   The impact of minimum-wage laws will be less harmful to employment if the demand for minimum-wage workers is inelastic.

III.       Price Elasticity of Supply

A.  The concept of price elasticity also applies to supply.  The elasticity formula is the same as that for demand, but we must substitute the word “supplied” for the word “demanded” everywhere in the formula.

      Es = percentage change in quantity supplied/percentage change in price

      As with price elasticity of demand, the midpoints formula is more accurate.

B.   The ease of shifting resources between alternative uses is very important in price elasticity of supply because it will determine how much flexibility a producer has to adjust his or her output to a change in the price. The degree of flexibility, and therefore the time period, will be different in different industries. (Figure 20-3)

1.   The market period is so short that elasticity of supply is inelastic; it could be almost perfectly inelastic or vertical.  In this situation, it is virtually impossible for producers to adjust their resources and change the quantity supplied.  (Think of adjustments on a farm once the crop has been planted.)

2.   The short‑run supply elasticity is more elastic than the market period and will depend on the ability of producers to respond to price change.  Industrial producers are able to make some output changes by having workers work overtime or by bringing on an extra shift.

3.   The long‑run supply elasticity is the most elastic, because more adjustments can be made over time and quantity can be changed more relative to a small change in price, as in Figure 20-3c.  The producer has time to build a new plant.

            C.   Applications of the price elasticity of supply.

                  1.   Antiques and other nonreproducible commodities are inelastic in supply, sometimes the                                          supply is perfectly inelastic.  This makes their prices highly susceptible to fluctuations in                            demand.

                  2.   Gold prices are volatile because the supply of gold is highly inelastic, and unstable                                                 demand resulting from speculation causes prices to fluctuate significantly.

IV.       Cross and income elasticity of demand:

A.  Cross elasticity of demand refers to the effect of a change in a product’s price on the quantity demanded for another product.  Numerically, the formula is shown for products X and Y.

      Exy = (percentage change in quantity of X)/(percentage change in price of Y)

1.   If cross elasticity is positive, then X and Y are substitutes.

2.   If cross elasticity is negative, then X and Y are complements.

3.   Note:  if cross elasticity is zero, then X and Y are unrelated, independent products.

B.   Income elasticity of demand refers to the percentage change in quantity demanded that results from some percentage change in consumer incomes.

      Ei = (percentage change in quantity demanded)/(percentage change in income)

1.   A positive income elasticity indicates a normal or superior good.

2.   A negative income elasticity indicates an inferior good.

3.   Those industries that are income elastic will expand at a higher rate as the economy grows.

V.         LAST WORD:  Elasticity and Pricing Power: Why Different Consumers Pay Different Prices

A.  Sellers often charge different prices for goods based on differences in price elasticity of demand.

B.   The ability to charge different prices depends on some market power; that is, some ability to control price (unlike the competitive model where all buyers and sellers exchange at exactly the same price).

C.   Customers are grouped according to elasticities.  Business travelers have more inelastic demand for air travel, and thus can be charged a higher price than the more price elastic tourist.  The low budgets of children make their demand more price elastic, explaining why they receive discounts for movies or sporting events.  In a like manner, colleges and universities recognize that income differences cause students to have different elasticities of demand for higher education, and schools attempt to discount prices (through financial aid) based on price sensitivity.

D.  The above are examples of price discrimination, a topic covered in more detail in Chapter 24.