Note:      Notes below are general guidelines to study but not necessarily complete.  You’re responsible for readings, class material, general experience, logic, reason, application, and extension.  I invite you to propose other topics, fill in gaps, and add details.


1.    Know how to do things on Excel.  If you’ve just used other people’s work or mine, be sure you study and practice so that you can do the Excel work yourself.  I could ask anything about doing the work on Excel, such as sequences of steps, formulas, and functions. 


2.    Be able to obtain and explain information from an Excel output.


3.    Calculator:    mean, standard deviation, general computations, order of operations


4.    I will supply one page of the normal table—the second one.


5.    Know how to do procedures by hand, except for determining correlation coefficients, trend lines, and regression coefficients. 


6.    Be able to interpret results.  Use units of measure, variable names, and express results in a way to help someone not in this class understand what you’ve determined about a situation.  This is a very important task in this class and will be important to obtain a good grade on the test.  I am generally very particular about interpretations.  I invite you to bring some of your written practice by the office for feedback.


Other notes:


1. I will not be available or answer questions on material on the day of the test.  Prepare ahead.


2. Keep your answers covered and your eyes on your paper or the ceiling.  Avoid suspicious behavior or behavior that may be misinterpreted.


3. Go to the bathroom and get refreshments before the test starts.  If you must leave during the test, you must turn in your test as your finished product.  You cannot drink or eat during a test.  Turn bills of hats to rear.


4. Bring a dark-leaded pencil, calculator, and 4x6 index card.  Round your work at the end of all computations, not at intermediate steps.  You cannot share calculators during the test.


5. Test must be turned in at end of test period or before.  You cannot continue after that point.  You must turn in the test, scan sheet, and index card.  Make a copy of your index card before the test, because I keep the one you use during the test.


6. You will do all of your scratch work on the test not on extra sheets of paper.  When I return the test you will be able to see your work and your responses.  You cannot take notes on the tests for future study or dissemination.  Remember that you have one week after I return the test to come by for further examination or discussion.  After that you will not have access to the test.


7.  Transcribe your answers carefully from your work on the test to your scan sheet.  Your answers on the scan sheet determine your grade, not what you show or write on your test.  Ambiguous markings and omissions will not receive credit.