
The focus of my research is on the relationships that humans have with other species.  These include the attitudes that people have about the treatment of animals,  how individuals resolve the moral paradoxes inherent in human-animal interactions, and studies of people whose lives are highly intertwined with non-human animals.

I. Animal Attitude Scale 

II. Vita and List of Publications

III. Web accessible articles

Herzog, H. A. (2014). Biology, culture, and the origins of pet-keeping. Animal Behavior and Cognition.

Ghirlanda, S., Acerbi, A., & Herzog, H. (2014). Dog movie stars and dog breed popularity: A case study in media influence on choice. PloS one, 9(9), e106565.

Ghirlanda, S., Acerbi, A., Herzog, H. & Serpell, J. A. (2013) Fashion vs. function in cultural evolution: The case of dog breed popularity. PLoS One.  

Herzog, H. (2011). The impact of pets on human health and psychological well-being: Fact fiction or hypothesis. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 20: 236-238.

Herzog, H. A. & Golden,  L. (2009). Moral emotions and animal activism. The case of animal activism. Journal of Social Issues, 65, 485-498.

Herzog, H. A. (2007) Gender differences in human-animal interactions: A review.  Anthrozoos. 20:17-21.

Herzog, H. (2006). Forty-two thousand and one Dalmatians: Fads, social contagion, and dog breed popularity.  Society and Animals.  14: 383-397.

Bentley, R. A., Lippo, C. P., Herzog, H.A., & Hahn, M. W. (2007). Regular rates of popular culture change reflect random copying.
Evolution  and Human Behavior.

Herzog, H., Bentley, R. A., and Hahn, M.W. (2004).  Random drift and large shifts in the popularity of dog breeds.
The Royal Sciety Biology Letters.

Herzog, H. A., and Elias, S. (2004). The effects of winning the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on dog breed popularity.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 225, 365-367.

Plous, S. and Herzog, H. (2001). Reliability of protocol reviews for animal research. Science,
293. 608-609.

Herzog, H. (2002). Ethical aspects of relationships between humans and research animals.
Institute for Laboratory Animal Research Journal, 43, 27-32.

Plous, S. and Herzog, H. (2000).  Poll shows researchers favor lab animal protection. Science, 290, 711.

Barr, G. and Herzog, H.A. (2000). Fetal pig: A qualitative study of the high school dissection
experience. Society and Animals. 8, 55-69

Plous, S. and Herzog, H.A. (1999) Should the Animal Welfare Act  cover rats, mice, and birds?
Most animal researchers say yes. Lab Animal, 38-40

Nickell, D. and Herzog, H. A., (1996). Ethical ideology and moral persuasion: Personal moral
philosophy, gender, and judgments of pro- and anti-animal research propaganda. Society and
Animals. 4, 53-64.

Mathews, S. and Herzog, H. A. (1997). Personality and attitudes toward the treatment of
animals. Society and Animals, 5, 169-175.

Herzog, H.A., Dinoff, B. and Page, J. (1997). Animal Rights Talk:Moral debate over the information highway.
Qualitative Sociology. 20, 399-418

Galvin, S. and Herzog, H.A. (1998) Attitudes and dispositional optimism of animal rights
demonstrators.  Society and Animals, 6, 1-11.

Herzog, H.A. (1993). Human morality and animal research: Confessions and quandaries. American Scholar, 62, 337-349

Herzog, H. A. (1991). Conflicts of interest: Kittens and boa constrictors, pets and research.  American Psychologist.

Burghardt, G.M. and Herzog, H. (1980). Beyond Conspecifics: Is Brer Rabbit Our Brother? BioSience 30: 763-768.