Picture courtesy  J. Klerlein       

The Fifth Biennial Smoky Mountain
 Undergraduate Conference on
the History of Mathematics

20 March 2010

Niggli Theater, Stillwell Building, Western Carolina University

Click HERE for the program!

Call for talks and posters on the

history of mathematics and on

mathematics informed by its history:

SMURCHOM V welcomes proposals for:

Check this website often for updates about SMURCHOM V. Contact Sloan Despeaux for information about the conference.

Click here to see the tentative schedule for SMURCHOM V.

Click here for infomation about our keynote speaker.


Kathy Clark, co-editor of the online journal Convergence, will invite the authors of the best presentations to submit their work for publication in Convergence, the MAA's online journal about the history of mathematics and its use in teaching.


Funding for this conference is provided by NSF grant DMS-0846477 through the MAA Regional
Undergraduate Mathematics Conferences program, www.maa.org/RUMC

Click here to see SMURCHOM IV

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