How to Develop and Administer a School Calendar of Events
A school calendar may be described as a plan that shows the events that the school will engage in through the year.At my school this plan is made annually.However, at some schools especially small ones it is made on a quarterly basis (every three months).The calendar is significant for the smooth functioning if the school.This instrument can be used to achieve specific goals or objectives.

There should be a revised calendar to be used at the beginning of each school year.The persons who are involved in preparing the calendar should come together at the end of the previous year.They should evaluate the calendar that has just ended.They should make suggestions for amendments, highlight the activities that will be kept as they are, and brainstorm the new events that they want to take place.There should be no final decision at the end of this meeting.Everyone should be given the task to think about the suggestions during the summer.This will allow these planners to contribute positively to the making of the calendar.

During the summer or in the final week if the school year all committee within the school should host sub-meetings in order to have set goals during the formulation of the calendar.For example the Sports Committee, the Disciplinary Committee, the Graduation Committee.The committees’ goals at these meetings should not be seen as final to be placed on the calendar, but it will be an asset as voices when the calendar is being made.In general, it will make the planning process less chaotic.

The persons who should be involved are the chairman of the Schools’ Board the principal, all category of teachers, persons from the administrative and auxiliary staff, community representative, students’ representative and parents.The Regional Education Offices can also be invited to be a part of the planning process of at all it is possible.

I believe that the following persons should be included because;

a) At my school I have not seen the Chairman involved in the planning of the calendar or is given a copy.If the Chairman is to play an active role in the school’s functions he should definitely be a part of the planning process.Allowing him to be active in planning will pose less difficulty when he is to give approval for schools’ activities.There are times when the Chairman does not see the need for a certain event to take place that is planned.If he were a part of the initial planning process he would see otherwise.

b) It is vital that parents be an active part of what is taking place in the school.They should not only be invited to play their roles when the events ought to b done.Parents should be given the opportunity to make suggestions.This will make parents more willing to assist in school activities.When they are outside looking in (not directly involved) they will not be aware of the specific needs of the school.However, if they are inside (involved) they will know what is taking place and most likely will attend to the needs of the school.For example, if the school is hosting fund raising to improve any of its resources, parents being involved will make their contribution more willingly.They will also seek voluntary assistance from various sources.

c) The community representative can also make valuable contributions to the planning of school events.Persons from the community are likely to inform the schools’ authority of the available resources in the community and how well a particular event is likely to be supported by members of the community.They can help to arrange dates that functions should be held so that clashes will be avoided with events of the community.For example, if a “Fun Day” is likely to be more profitable than a “Jamaica Night” during a certain time of the year.

d) The Regional Educational offices can be of paramount importance.This is because he can use the experiences he gained from other schools that he supervises to help in formulating activities to be placed on the calendar.This is good, because when there are many options available it is likely that the best one will be chosen.The options will not only be suggested but the Education offices will be able to explain the process of carrying out the events.

e) Many educators do not see student’s participation as necessary when they are planning for the school.Allowing students to be an active part of planning will help them to gain a sense of responsibility.The will also take part in schools’ event with less difficulty when they are engaged in the formulation process.Students will also better able to motivate relatives and friends to support schools’ activities.

If the principal who is a the top along with all his staff members as well as all the other individuals work together to plan t he calendar there will be a community within the school.This therefore, will bring about productivity in all areas of the school’s environment.

When all parties who are involved in making the calendar meets at the beginning of the school year (before school gets fully started) the principal must first outline the ministry’s activities for each month, this will avoid crashes.All the final decisions at this meeting must be documented.Proper editing of what is written should be done.It is the responsibility of the principal or the vice principal to get the information typed.All persons who are involved in the planning should be given a copy.This copy should be a drafted one.After it has been thoroughly read by everyone, and if there are any corrections then final copies should be made.In case there are existing errors it should be corrected by the group before the final copies are printed.If it is a typing error it will not be necessary for t he group to make the correction, the typist will do them.

The calendar should be distributed in such a way that all persons who have an interest in the school gets a copy.Copies should be displayed in the principal and assistance principal’s offices as well as on the public notice board and in the staff room.

It is likely that during the course of the year other calendars will affect that of the school.For example, external examinations, sport organizations, cultural, and social events that are governed by outsiders, etc.With this occurring, changes will have to take place in relation to the school’s calendar.The principal, assistant principal, the various committees, as well as other teachers can do the updating to the calendar if need be.Other members who helped with the planning process should be informed of the changes and why they occurred.It at all is possible updating should be done ahead of time so that the best choice can be done in relation to canceling or postponing of activities.

I strongly believe that if this guide is followed when formulating a calendar of events for any school, there will be unity, strength, productivity, and overall there will be a harmonious relationship with the school and the wider community.

The real purpose of using a school calendar such as the one that has been outlined is to gain efficiency and effectiveness.Any school that adopts this model and uses it wisely to achieve specific goals can never be in a static position, but it will always be a dynamic one.

This report was submitted by Dothy Sohan, a student in EDAD 410, The Principalship, in Mandeville, August, 2002

Person whom I spoke with:

Mrs. Derine plummer, principal at Maggotty High School, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica


 A Report on How Principals Develop and Administer a School Calendar.

 The calendar is an important document in every school.  It serves as an indicator of the direction the school will take throughout the year, from September through June, as activities are formulated and implemented.

 It is stated in the Education Regulation Act that every government owned school is required to operate a minimum of one hundred and ninety days for each school year and a minimum of five teaching hours per day in a high school. If due to unforeseen occurrence the minimum is not met, the principal has to make an entry into a logbook, giving the specific cause.
 The first step in developing a calendar is obtaining the master calendar from the office of the Ministry of Education at the start of the academic year. The master calendar gives an outline of all government public holidays and government events, which will involve the participation of the school. Example of which is the National Labor Day projects.
 Prior to calling special committees to develop a general school calendar, the principal makes a review of the old calendar and compares it with the new master calendar. This action helps him to determine if national dates will coincide with annual events held by the school. (Please note, these events are sometimes fixed at specific dates). A comparison will give the principal knowledge of where changes are necessary before consulting with the committee.
 The principal in collaboration with the board chairman, senior teacher, and the vice-principal, will meet at a specified time. Prior to this meeting each person will collect from other teachers the dates of events which should be included on the calendar. For example, dates for department seminary, inter house competitions, etc., and any other activity that will impact the operation of the school community.
Each member of the committee is given an outline of the master calendar and dates are checked off as they are related. Apart from the Ministry of Education events, high priority is placed on the main school events that include the complete school population. For example, prize-giving functions held in November of each year.
Clear direction is achieved by organizing the calendar on a termly basis, with each month within the term listed and activities dates accordingly. For example:
The Christmas term (September-December)
Orientation (September)
Registration (September)
Staff meetings (September-December)
Staff Seminar (September, November)
Parent-teacher meetings (September, December)
Board meeting
Internal Midterm examination dates
End of term examination dates
End of term dates
The Easter term: January-April
 Staff meeting dates
 Board meeting dates
 Inter house debate competition dates
 Sports day dates
 Mid-term dates
 Labor Day Holiday dates
 Heritage week function date
The Summer term: May-early July
 Staff meeting dates
 Board meeting date
 P.T.A. fund raising date
 External examination dates
 End of year school examination dates
 Graduation function date
 As noted there are some events that will recur in each term but some are specific to particular terms. It is to be noted too that holidays help to determine how other dates are spaced on the calendar.
 Dates, which were not available at the initial planning of the calendar, must be accommodated too; it therefore calls for flexibility in planning. The principal has to be in control so that a bombardment of events does not infringe on the teaching hours or teacher/student contract, which is of the highest priority.
 Because of expected conflict in dates at times alterations must be made to the drafted calendar by inclusion or exclusion of school and extracurricular activities. The principal has to consult with the parties affected and along with the board chairman decide on events in order of priority, in most instances the event that has the most impact on the educational advancement of students is chosen for placement on the calendar. For example, a geography field trip would have priority over a class party.
 Please note that throughout the school year there are school activities that will not be reflected on the calendar, as they are usually spontaneous, for example, field trips. They do not usually affect the whole school community but only a few students and teachers. The principal must be aware of these events and note them on his own calendar because he is responsible for all activities in the school at all times.
 The drafted calendar must meet the approval of the staff in general before a final draft is done. At this point conflicts that emerge should be minimal and will call for the discretion of the principal and senior teachers as they further prioritize.
 Once the calendar is complete, copies are sent to the Ministry of Education, the chairman of the board, P.T.A. representative, and each member of the academic and administrative staff. A copy is also displayed on the staff notice board.
 Finally, personnel, namely senior teachers, department heads and vice-principals as well as block coordinators are assigned by the principal to monitor the events. These individuals have the responsibility of making sure that the school community is aware ahead of time of each event, they also delegate duties, plan meetings, etc. For example, the vice-principal in a high school is responsible for the high graduation ceremony. With a date in mind, she assigns a committee to select the public speaker, finalize arrangement for venue, invitations, and other important tasks surrounding that activity.
 All other activities on the calendar are similarity organized and monitored for the smooth running of the school throughout the school year.
This report was submitted by Dawn Evans, a student in EDAD 410, The Principalship, in Mandeville, August, 2002

Person whom I spoke with:

Ms. Beverly Powell- Vice Principal- Manchester All-Age and Junior High