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Music in Motion Pictures
MUS 469-01 Fall Semester 2017 
MWF 10:10-11:00 AM, Coulter 357 (Choir Room)

Instructor: Dr. Bruce H. Frazier, Coulter 254, 828-227-2400 (office), 227-2733 (studio)
Office Hours by Appointment

Email address: bfrazier@email.wcu.edu - Web address: http://paws.wcu.edu/bfrazier
Link to Blackboard: https://wcu.blackboard.com/

Wednesday, December 13, 8:30 to 11:00 AM, in Coulter 357

"Listening to Movies: the Film Lover's Guide to Film Music," by Fred Karlin
1994, Schirmer Books, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York. ISBN 0-02-873315-0.
(Rental from the WCU Bookstore)

"The Art of Film Music," by George Burt.  1994, Northeastern U. Press. ISBN 1-55553-270-5
"Film Music: A Neglected Art - A Critical Study of Music in Films."   By Roy M. Prendergast.
1992, Norton (2nd edition, paperback)  ISBN 0-393-30874-X
"Music for the Movies."  By Tony Thomas. 1997, Silman-James Press (2nd updated edition, paperback) ISBN 1-879505-37-1
"The Soul of Cinema: An Appreciation of Film Music." By Larry M. Timm,  2003, Prentice Hall (paperback)  ISBN 0-13-030465-4
(Articles posted on Blackboard) 

Grading System (for Undergraduates)

A = 93-100
A- = 90-92
B+ = 88-89
B = 82-87
B-  = 80-81
C+ =78-79
C = 72-77
C- = 70-71
D+ = 68-69
D = 62-67
D- = 60-61
F = below 60
(For more information refer to of the WCU Undergraduate Catalog.)

Grading System (for Graduate Students)

A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 70-79
D = 60-69
F = below 60
(For more information refer to of the WCU Graduate Catalog.)

Graded Elements

Participation 10%
Quizzes & Listening Guides/Notes 40%
Projects & Presentations 30% 
Exams 20%

After successful completion of the course, the student will be able to demonstrate the following:

* Discuss the personnel and procedures involved in the post-production process of adding music and audio to film.
* Analyze and describe the significant musical elements in a film score cue.
* Demonstrate critical listening skills by identifying the composer, title, salient musical characteristics or compositional style of a musical cue choosing among specified film scores.
* Evaluate and critique musical scores in selected films.
* Write effectively about prominent film composers and discuss their notable contributions to film music within historical context.

* Demonstrate scholarly biographical, historical and analytical research covering selected contemporary composers and film scores since 1994, with accompanying class presentation.

* View selected film clips and discuss the the dramatic and musical characteristics.
* "Spot" musical cues in a film and prepare a list of spotting notes.
* Prepare listening guides highlighting the synchronization of important musical and dramatic moments in a film score cue.
* Complete reading assignments and quizzes drawn from reading material and class presentation.
* Complete a research paper on an assigned composer and film score.

NOTE: audio and video viewing and editing facilities are available in CO 374, schedule below

Music Tech Classroom Hours (Coulter 374)
(Subject to Change)

6:00-10:00 PM
6:00-10:00 PM
6:00-10:00 PM
6:00-10:00 PM

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